Nice article about Zow in the morning paper.

I expect Watts will start next Saturday, even if he is only 90% healthy.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL


Fortunately for Tide, Zow not a quitter 

TUSCALOOSA -- When Alabama wins a game, head coach Dennis Franchione
usually makes his obligatory "Way to go" speech to his team before giving
out a game ball. But he couldn't wait Saturday. 

The Crimson Tide head coach skipped all the congratulations, except for
the ones he wanted to shower on senior quarterback Andrew Zow.
Immediately after Franchione and his assistant coaches herded the players
into the locker room following a 24-17 win over Mississippi State on
Saturday, he stood in front of the room and began searching the crowd. 

"Where's Andrew Zow?" he asked. "Where's Andrew Zow?" 

Several teammates pushed Zow to the front of the room with Franchione,
who awarded him the first game ball of his college football career. After
not playing much all season, Zow led Alabama to a pair of fourth-quarter
touchdowns and a come-from-behind victory. 

After giving the football to Zow, Franchione told the players, "You
should be proud that he's on your team." 

Zow smiled and bowed his head as his teammates chanted, "Drew, Drew,

Franchione may have enjoyed this moment as much as any this season. He
got to reward someone who not only helped win a game but also smoothed
the way for the Franchione regime this season. 

Zow, a senior, started for three years under former head coach Mike
DuBose, but when Franchione arrived after last season, junior Tyler Watts
proved he was better. Watts learned the offense more precisely than Zow
and showed an ability to play mistake-free and keep Alabama out of
negative-yardage plays -- two attributes Franchione values heavily. 

Still, even though Watts won the job fair and square, Franchione couldn't
help but wonder how Zow would handle the demotion. As it turned out, he
didn't need to worry. 

Zow continued to display the same enthusiasm and leadership that he did
when he started. He showed he was willing to follow the new coach, and
plenty of his friends on the team followed his example. 

"He's never sat on the sideline saying he was ticked off at not getting
to play," said senior receiver Jason McAddley, who was Zow's roommate for
2½ years. "He's always into the game, and if he sees something he thinks
might help, he'll come up and say something. He's supportive of Tyler and
the whole team." 

Zow got his chance Saturday because Watts suffered an injured groin
muscle in his left leg in the opening quarter. He left the game and never
returned, even though he stayed on the sideline dressed in his uniform. 

Afterward, Watts walked off the field, limping badly. He left the locker
room riding the back of a golf cart driven by an Alabama trainer. 

Franchione doesn't like to discuss injuries publicly. So when a reporter
asked about Watts' status for this week's Auburn game, he smiled and
answered, "Don't ask me that." 

Pressed, Franchione added, "He'll be ready to play next week." 

He also said that Watts could've played again Saturday if needed,
although that seems a little far-fetched. Watts didn't appear ready to
play anytime soon. 

So who knows if Zow will have more chances for glory? It might be nice to
see him get at least one more chance, though. After throwing for 157
yards Saturday, he is only 17 behind former All-American Jay Barker on
Alabama's all-time passing yards list. 

Zow said he would love to have that record, but then he smiled and added,
"I'm not going to cry about it if I don't get it." 
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