On Mon, 12 Nov 2001 14:50:10  
 Tequila Joel Perry wrote:
>But rest assured, it will be a HuGe party starting Thursday around lunch.
>You and your band of gypsies are more than welcome to stop by and share a
>Colt 45 and some turkey jerky.

Damn!  You bringin' out the good stuff for the Arn Bowl?

>Email me privately and I'll give you our cell numbers. Don't want that info
>to get into the wrong hands.

I have that information.  It is available direct from me for a nominal charge.

>On a lesser note, has anyone heard from Ron? I last saw him sitting on the
>curb of University Drive talking to his cow bell.

Consolation, my friend, consolation.  I be here back at work in Atlanta.  Coaching 
lost this game.  King Jackie forfeited the first 20-25 minutes of the game. . .but at 
least, Wayne's feelings are intact.

Actually, for the uninitiated, they made me bow down and worship the Huge Wolfcrank 
effigy Tequila Joel and Confederate Phil constructed for the party.  (They be smart 
UAH engineers.)  It was quite a spectacle.  It rotated and had real purty lights.  
After worshiping the 'Crank monument I had an uncontrollabel urge to disagree with my 
own statements, make inane arguments, and threaten to go home several times (but never 

But I'm much better now.

Shout out to Mr. Bobby Brake, his father-in-law (BC), CC and her honey, and the 
Huntsville utility crew.  A good time was had by all the HWFC tailgate party.

As TJ would say. . .Tuck Fuberville.


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