
Enjoyed your account of the weekend.

We need to get together for lunch here in the Rocket City so you can tell

Thanks again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joel Perry [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, November 20, 2001 10:08 AM
To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject: [RollTideFan] Got a minute? 

Does it get any better than this???? What a butt-whoopin' the Tide did give
allbarn!!! I'm still horse and I think a little bit tipsy. For your
amusement or deletion, what follows is a snip-it of our 4 days in allbarn.

(back ground info: eight of us, three Bama fans and 5 allbarn fans, rented a
motor home last year to take to T-Town for the game. Besides the weather and
the score, we all had so much fun that we agreed to rent another one for
this year. )

1. Arrived Wednesday night to a ghostly quiet campus - at least the part we
were in. Already a HuGe number of motor homes had arrived. AS we found out
later, many of the motor homes had arrived Sunday. Most were vacant as the
people who owned them just dropped them off and were to return later in the
week. We parked our little rented motor shanty on the grass next to the
allbarn scholly parking lot. This was about 10:00pm. By 2:00am Thursday
morning we had most of our canopy in place and most of the decorations. Our
canopy consists of a 20' x 10' gray tarp, 1" pvc, several rolls of duct tape
and a couple 2 by 4s. You really have to see it to appreciate the
engineering marvel that it is. Jed Clampett would be proud. Nothing like
climbing on top of a motor home at night, after many breers, trying to tape
a tarp to the dang thing. Look at pictures 169 and 170 at this link:
Feel free to browse the other pics while you're there. These were taken by a
friend, so my lovely face isn't on many of them. Neither is my wife. I need
to talk to him about that.....
2. Thursday morning we came to, I mean we woke up and continued our
decorating and stuff. A set of 30 game cups that make up the lighting, a
HuGe American flag, all types of allbarn and Bama flags blew perfectly in
the stiff breeze that had started late last night. Half of the shotgun shack
was Bama, the other allbarn. Nothing to do now except partake in the vast
amount of beer that was ice cold and sit in the shade of the tarp while
watching the co-eds walk past. (BTW, the first 7 out of 8 that we saw were
3. After a while, these motor COACHES started pulling up next to us and the
scholly parking lot. Not motor homes, but Prevost coaches and such. (and
here were are, in the grassy area next to the parking lot) Well, Mr. allbarn
scholly himself climbs out of his coach and makes a beeline towards us.
First words out of his mouth: "Y'all can't park here, this is scholarship
motor home parking only." We said we understand that the parking lot is
schooly, but the grass area in fair game. He didn't see it that way. We said
when the man with the badge sez move then we'll move. So he waddles off, mad
and determined that we will not be there come nightfall. We stayed there the
entire week. Take THAT Mr. Prevost Man. A rented motor home with a tarp for
a canopy has done dropped anchor in the pasture.
4. Funny thing about the scholly parking area - and this may be the same at
BAMA - I don't know. Here these beautiful motor coaches are, filled with old
farts who give major money to the university and they can't get into the lot
until Friday at 4:00pm - to the minute mind you. And there we were, been
there since Wednesday, acting like Eddie on Christmas Vacation, having a
blast. Seems to me that if you are a scholly provider, you should be able to
park your MC just about anytime you feel like it. But allbarn spent $$ on a
rent-a-cop to patrol the lot and kick out any early arrivals. We made
friends with him, cooked him a steak, provided access to the cold beer. Hey,
ya never know when he could be helpful.
5. Then the news crews started walking by. At last count, we had 12
different news crews stop by and interview us. They said the alabama\auburn
split was the draw. I personally think it was the mere sight of our set-up.
We made it on WAFF here in Huntsville and at least one station from
Montgomery (WAKA) and one from Birmingham (WFSA may be the letters, I'm not
sure.) A guy from the Mobile Register interviewed us. It's on, 7-day
archives. I can find the link if anyone is bored. Being a bunch of rednecks,
we enjoyed the chance to be on TV. (Producer of Temptation Island on line 4,
something about me being a spoiler???)
6. Thursday night we closed down a club called the Blue Room. It was rockin.
The band "Cover Girls" were playing. I recommend them to y'all. We got
several comments from the other party goers about our Crimson and White
attire. But all were very friendly and hospitable.
7. Friday brought more beer, hamburgers, Dreamland ribs and a chance to
watch 30-40 motor coaches storm the parking lot after Mr. "I have to be
first" (same as above) blew his air horn. We just smiled and opened another
beer. Funny that he parked on the other side of the lot.
8. Have to tell y'all this: Sometime Thursday night, I placed a call to my
wife in Huntsville. "Honey", I said in my most slurred speech, "when you
come down tomorrow, bring the stereo system in the bedroom. We needs a
bigger boom box." Now this system is one of those old, big clunky systems
with the tall speakers and single CD player. I think I've had it for 15
years now. She agreed, only so I would get off the phone and let her get
back to sleep. She lugged this thing down the steps, to the BAMABARGE and
did in fact haul its heavy butt to allbarn. I think a HuGe Christmas present
is in store for her.
9. Here's the only bad part of the weekend and it describes the class that
allbarn fans have. Sometime wee into the night, I heard a noise outside the
shack. I get up to investigate. Walking around outside I find all is in
place - except for the 30 foot tall flag pole that had two expensive Alabama
flags flying from it. We had attached the pole to the motor home, opposite
of the allbarn rags. Oh, we were pi$$ed. We walked around for a little while
knowing that the flags had met a disgraceful death under the tires of a
Massey-Ferguson. So we went back to bed. About an hour later, I peeked out
of the window and saw three men standing about 50 feet from the motor home.
Just talking and looking our way occasionally. I just sat there, viewing
through the blinds. They started walking our way and then ran to our motor
home. I jumped up, threw open the door and ran outside. By this time, they
had picked up our beer cooler and our cooler with the lobster tail and crab
claws. When I ran outside, they dropped the coolers and ran off. At the same
time, a pick-up truck (how appropriate) that was parked out of my view
squealed tires and drove off. Out of the back of the truck slid another
cooler exactly like mine. Come to find out, they had stolen that cooler from
another motor home just two rows over. Anyway, we called the campus police.
Twice. We're still waiting on them to respond. One of the other RV owners
said later that it has really gotten bad the last couple of years and they
have to lock everything up at night.
10. Saturday morning brought gameday. What a beautiful day - really all week
had been great. Leftover DreamLand ribs, hotdogs, hamburgers (thanks Ron)
and a visit from the Queen, her escort and Doug (bringing gifts of more
tequila) made the morning an event worth remembering. The party mix p-funk
playing on the stereo, hundreds of allbarn and alabama fans walking around,
everybody getting their game face on, the girl in the extremely short skirt
standing on top of the motor home next to us, time ticking down to kick-off,
tension running high on both sides of the rivalry, tequila shots starting to
work their magic, SonJa making the allbarn faithful nervous....
11. The Game. Lost all my buzz cause I was so nervous. The pre-game pep
rally thing was good. There was a male cheerleader out at the 50 yard line
leading cheers and chants. Really got the crowd worked up. (Unlike our Big
Bama spell-out). For some reason their JumboTron (TigerVision as they call
it) appears much more crisp and clearer than ours. And the music, well, in a
word, loud. And you know my feelings about ours. I missed the buzzard flying
down from the upper deck. I was busy getting my gameday spit cup. The
graphics package that allbarn uses to get the crowd into the game was great.
And unlike us who only use the elephant roar after we score, allbarn uses
the tiger growl when a big play is needed (and that was a lot, especially on
defense). Give credit to allbarn, their stadium is very nice, lots of grass
around the playing field really contrasts the stands. At halftime both bands
performed while honoring the different branches of the armed forces. Brought
a big lump in my throat. Our band actually was very loud this time, may have
been because I was sitting directly across from it though. Allbarn fans
leave the stadium quicker than Bama fans do I think. The place was empty of
allbarn fans right after we scored to make it 28-7. How sweet it is!!! After
the final whistle, we walked down to the Bama section in the endzone. Many
of the players ran back out and shook hands with the fans as Lee County's
finest stood guard over the goal posts. The chant "We don't want your
goalposts....we OWN your goalposts" soon was heard. Small bits and big
branches of the hedges were carried off by many a fan. Last year I did that,
this year I didn't. Something about 'acting like you've been there before'
came to mind. But there was a very proud feeling standing there among the
Bama fans, watching the players who had lost so many close games this year
run back and forth in front of the fans as the allbarn scoreboard glowed in
the distance with the final numbers. 31 - 7. We may be the team who loses
next year, but for this moment in time, the Pride was once again restored to
the Tide.
12. I heard no nasty comments from the allbarn fans I walked by. In fact,
most were I guess humbled enough to offer congratulations or at least sad
enough to keep their thoughts silenced. I did hear several comments from
Bama fans that were not exactly classy. Many comments included remarks about
'Cadillac'. One Bama fan tried to get me to join in with their ribbing but I
said the best thing we could do as Bama fans is just smile at them and walk
by as if this was something that was expected.
13. Back at the MotherShip as we've deemed our RV, the party mix was cranked
up again, the coolers we opened once again, the lobster tail, crab claws and
steak were cooked to perfection. Some allbarn motor homes that had waited in
line for the spaces in the lot were started and slowly making their way
home. Ron hobbled back up with SonJa in tow. She was her own happy self
while he was still in Misery State mode. We ate, drank and re-lived the game
until we were sure we had covered everything again. And then one more time,
just to be sure. As the night lingered on, the eight of us sat by the fire
and enjoyed the friendship that has endured two years of Iron Bowl RV-ing
and has actually been made stronger by the closeness of the cramped
14. Sunday morning we took down all the decorations and packed the motor
home up for the trip back to Huntsville. On the way back the talk was about,
what else, the plans for next year's RV trip to the Iron Bowl. One can never
start to plan too early.

I hope you have enjoyed my long, rambling review of the weekend that was. I
know I've left out a few things like the drunk allbarn girl who kept yelling
the chant "Weagle, weagle, war damn eagle, Poke'em in the butt Big Blue."
Thanks for reading.


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