
Coach Fran is helping Santonio pack his bags even as I type. Coach Fran will
not be as 'understanding' as Coach Stallings was with David Palmer.

Maybe Beard will be allowed back on the team at some point in time.

<Slef Opinion>

If you drink and drive, you're a damnable fool. Stop it now!

If you choose to remain a damnable fool, and get caught; *NEVER* submit to a
breathalyzer test. NEVER! A good attorney and $4-5k *might* get you a
reduced charge, or charges dropped altogether.

Blow in the tube and *flunk* (.08 in BAMA).......just plead guilty and cut
your losses.

Best bet is don't drink and drive. Period.

</Slef Opinion>


-----Original Message-----
From: kurt rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

>> Posted by TI on November 26, 2001 at 19:14:35:
>> "We do not condone this type of behavior. [Santonio's arrest]
>> As is my policy disciplinary measures will be handled within
>> the framework of our football team."
>> Dennis Franchione

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