
-----Original Message-----
From: Mal Moore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:33 PM
Subject: From the Desk of Mal Moore

Dear Crimson Tide Supporter:

Well, I hope each of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. In the world of
Alabama football and athletics, we all had one extra thing to be thankful
for: 31-7!

November 17th was one of the most important days in recent history for
Alabama football, for several reasons. We had two teams that played their
hearts out that day.

As you all know, we had our hearing before the NCAA Committee on Infractions
on November 17th.  I was so proud of the team that represented the
University of Alabama in Indianapolis.  It represented the University in a
strong and professional way, and was well-prepared for the proceedings.

This was my first involvement in an NCAA hearing, and I must say that I was
truly impressed with the thoroughness with which the NCAA and our compliance
team operated.  No stone was left unturned, and our team was properly
prepared to answer all questions that arose. The hearing lasted 11.5  hours,
so it was quite detailed and comprehensive.

Getting the hearing behind us at this early date was crucial to the
department and the new football coaching staff-particularly for recruiting
purposes.  I do feel that the national attention this case has generated
should serve as a pointed reminder to all of our department employees, fans,
and alumni of the importance of adhering to all NCAA standards.  We are
doing everything in our power to ensure these problems don't occur again,
and we'll continue to be diligent in our compliance efforts.  Our compliance
staff put together a brochure that outlines NCAA regulations, and many of
you have already received this brochure by mail.  Please read it carefully
to ensure that everyone understands the rules.  If you didn't receive a
brochure and would like one, please let us know and we'll be glad to get one
to you.

We plan to release a redacted copy of our response to the NCAA within the
next couple of weeks to inform the media and the public of our stance.
Hopefully this will answer many of the remaining questions and help our
supporters better understand what's been going on behind the scenes for

Now we know what lies ahead, and we're prepared to face it and move forward.

* * * * * *

Naturally, I'm absolutely thrilled with our football team's big victory over
Auburn.  To win, and to win in the manner in which we did, speaks volumes
about the progress our team has made this year, and certainly puts us in a
positive situation for the rest of this season and the future.  The victory
provided some immediate help for our program in many areas, and should serve
as a powerful recruiting tool.

I'm so happy for Coach Franchione and his staff.  They've worked very hard
to turn things around, and I've felt all season that they've been on the
right track.  Last Saturday afternoon in Auburn proved that.

I appreciate the fan support in Auburn.  While I couldn't be there, I've
heard plenty of stories about the enthusiasm and class of our fans; as a
former coach, I can assure you that it made a difference. We've got the best
fans in the country, and your support in a hostile environment was crucial.

I also appreciate Joe Namath taking time from his busy schedule to spend
with the team during the week and to stay over for the game.  His comments
to the team early in the week were inspiring, and I know the coaching staff
and players appreciated his presence at the game on Saturday.  From what
I've heard and judging by video on our web site,, he seemed to enjoy himself on the sidelines
after the game.

You can't imagine how difficult it was to be in the dark in Indianapolis.
The first score update I received was 21-7 in the third quarter.  We did get
to see the final minute of the game (through a lot of static) in the meeting
room during a break.  Around 8:30 that night, after the hearings were over,
we all gathered in Gene Marsh's room to watch a tape of the game that Gene
had recorded.  Our entire team-Gene, Dr. Sorensen, Marie Robbins, Stan
Murphy, Glenn Powell, Rich Hilliard and I-watched the game in its entirety.
We ordered pizza and cheered every play as if it were live.  Although we
already knew the outcome, it was still very exciting, and a great ending to
a very long day.

* * * * * *

So now the team looks ahead to Southern Miss.  The Eagles proved they are a
formidable opponent last season, and they have always played us tough. This
game is important for several reasons:

Most notably, this game is important because it's the NEXT game.  As a
coach, that's how you have to motivate your team.

Beyond that, a win gives us a winning regular season and double the
victories of last year, which is a substantial accomplishment for a
first-year staff coming off a losing year.

Further, it puts us in the hunt for a possible bowl game.

Obviously, a winning season and a bowl game would be very big for this team.
I can tell you that I've had discussions with bowl officials and there is
definite interest in this team from several parties, as a draw at both the
gate and on TV.  The SEC has a set number of obligations to certain bowls,
and there are some at-large bids, so I feel sure that a win would put us in
the mix.  Many officials I've spoken to have expressed interest because of
the fan loyalty and the tradition of the Crimson Tide.  Bowl officials
understand the significance of that name, and many would love to find a
place for us.  They know that we will "bring the numbers," so to speak,
which is a big factor in bowls' decisions, particularly in smaller bowls.

But first things first.  We can't even discuss those possibilities
specifically without a win on Thursday night.  I recognize the fact that the
schedule change for this game because of the September 11th tragedies may
have affected plans for many of our supporters, but we felt it was the best
thing to do in those circumstances.  Despite the schedule change, I expect
to see big numbers in Birmingham this Thursday night, because our fans
recognize the importance of this game.  Please do your best to be there to
show support for your team.

* * * * * *

I hope everyone had a restful and enjoyable Thanksgiving holiday.  I had a
relaxing weekend - I watched plenty of football, ate way too much turkey,
and went on a couple of bird-hunting trips.  I also attended some of the
volleyball team's Alabama Turkey Classic, which they won in three straight
matches to improve to an outstanding 22-9 on the season.

So now it's time to go back to work.  I'm excited about this week, and I
hope you all are too.  Please help us by showing your tremendous support
once again, and hopefully we'll have good news next week.

Roll Tide,

Mal M. Moore
Director of Athletics

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