-----Original Message-----
> Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.
<<Hugh, do you really feel that Manning is not a talented qb or what
do you mean by him not being good?>>

I mean he's not his brother, or his daddy - yet anyway.  He's not been
consistently on his "A" game - Ole Miss lost 3 out of their last 4

The way he lead his team back, plus, the way he has continued to make
against some very good competition the past two years, proves to me the
knows how to play. Whether you like him or OleMiss, doesn't matter. The
young man deserves credit, he IS a good football player.

Time will tell what kind of player Eli Manning develops into.  He's got
the potential to become a very good player.  But he's not there, yet.  A
very good QB doesn't turn the ball over against Vandy's defense.

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