Hugh, please consider that in AZ's *two* wins the defense gave up; 7 and
points respectively.
That's an average of 11 points/game.
In AZ's wins the offense averaged 29.5 points/game>>

I don't have the stats it front of me, but that sounds right.

In TW's *five* loses, the defense gave up; 20, 30, 27, 35, 35 which is
average of 29.4 points/game.
In those losses, the offense averaged scoring 24.4 points/game.

Again, I'll trust your math.

The *big difference* is the defense *not* the offense. They have just
it up a couple of notches since that LSU shellacking and the results
shown up on the score board..

For months, I was saying that the defense was the problem, ya know.  But
other people said that it was the fact that the offense didn't move the
ball in the 4th quarter, and gave it back to the opponent, and the
defense just wore down.  Those opinions won me over I guess.  

But deep down, I think it's neither.  STAMINA is the key.  For whatever
reason, Watts is great for 45 minutes, but he gets tired in the 4th
quarter.  Zow seems to have been able to stay alert and on his "A" game
for the entire 60 minutes for the games he's started and played the
whole game.  I'm not the only person who has noted this, either.  As
someone I know put it... Watts has looked EXHAUSTED at the end of a
number of games this year.  I didn't see a shot of Zow at the end of the
game Thursday night, but I haven't heard any reports about him being
exhausted.  Granted, there's something to be said for a win giving you
an extra sprint to your step, but maybe there's more to it than that.  

This is why I believe BOTH quarterbacks not only deserve to play - but
should play.  They have both shown that they are capable in Fran's
offense, now.  With both playing, there's less of a chance that one will
wear out and make a costly mistake at the end of the game.  It really
doesn't matter who starts in that situation.

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