comments imbedded:

-----Original Message-----
From: John Howard

Seems that Bobby L. is not very happy with the  "oh well" attitude ears
tubberville displayed during the post "loss"  news conference regarding
ALABAMA.  It was said that "heads shall roll"  (HC? and or OC & DC) if there
was not vast improvement in red stick next week.
>>> Well, it sure ain't Tubby's head that will roll. Those HuGe ears will
see to that...

Also, Nick gone pro?!?!  It was also alleged that lswho coach nick saban is
going pro and that "ears tubberville is wanted in red stick.
>>> I wouldn't doubt for a minute that Saban would go pro if the right offer
showed up in a little manila envelope ... Saban never did go with LSU, in my
opinion. I gay-roaun-tee that Tubby ain't wanted at LSU. *THAT* is just

Do ya think that the rumor that nick saban leaving lswho is a tutorsee plot
to stir the pot prior to the secc game to get a phyic. edge for the game and
possibly to slow the recruiting in red stick?
>>> Yes and no. Yes it's probably being played up and pushed by those
yellow-orange bastards. No, it's probably not a rumor.

BTW, I expect to see Tom Coughlin as the next HC at Notre Dame.

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