Thanks for sharing, Cherrish!

When it comes to college football, The ALABAMA CRIMSON TIDE is all anyone
needs to know!

BAMA is the best, that's all there is to it!


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 10:40 PM
To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
Subject: [RollTideFan] Rebels Whinning

My husband just found this Ole Piss  website where they are saying some
pretty ugly things about us. One Piss ant said that we have an obnoxious
attitude and we need to shut up. He also said that the only reason we are
going to a bowl is because we are BAMA. Well that's TRUE WE ARE BAMA and we
are a far better team to watch. Even the guys on ESPN said that Bama would
bring MORE money to a bowl than OLE PISS would. One of them also said how
many people would watch Bama over them. He even then said, that we would
proably go to a bowl. I guess this guy needs to watch ESPN more....Oh I
forget those hicks in the sticks don't get ESPN!!

Grant it, Yes they did beat us this year (1st in 13 yrs), but just because
they have one win against us that makes them bowl bound? Or is it because
they have a Manning?? I am sorry I sound so sarcastic...but this man made me
MAD!!!! The way he talked like we were dirt and we(the fans) were obnoxious.
Before I became an Alabama fan I heard how great the fans were, and at my
first game I went to I had never met anyone as hospitable as these fans. Yes
at "times" we can be obnoxious, but what fan is not. If he wants obnoxious
he needs to look at the UT some of them have the BIG O( there
are a few who are not). That's why I became an Alabama FAN...(plus I married
one) for the GREAT FANS and their hospitality.

I guess in a nutshell this man is jealous! He will never cheer for a team
that has great fans, and the tradition that Alabama carries with them
wherever they go or whenever someone speaks of them. That's something no
other SEC college can touch OUR TRADITION!!

So this I will say in closing....I am so PROUD of our guys...we may not have
had a perfect season, we had some games that were heartaches...BUT ALL in
ALL this season was a GREAT TIME!!!  SO now let's go to the BOWL!!! So to
this man I will say Yes this time I will be alittle more obnoxious about
BAMA and I'll let you know about it!!!

Sorry this was long, but this man had made me mad and I needed to let it

ROLL TIDE ROLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BOWL.......HERE WE COME!!!!!!!!!!!!



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