It is truly a sad day in my life when I agree with Mr. Todd.

I did go perusing around the support forum for the software used by RTF Javvy, and 
found someone else asking about archives and HTML messages.  There was no reply.  Why 
not hound the support personnel until they give you a solution to the problem?  Just 
an idea.

---------- Original Message ----------------------------------
>comments imbedded:
>-----Original Message-----
>First of all, I *LIKE* html! I enjoy seeing the different fonts, colors,
>etc. that people come up with. To me, HTML says something about the
>personality of the poster. Plain Text just lumps us all together. The only
>way to gain any separation is to add a bunch of stupid emoticons, and try to
>come up with a catchy [EMAIL PROTECTED] signature line. Boring
>and outdated.

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