
Gottfried goes back 
Coach takes team to UCLA in game that honors mentor 

News staff writer

TUSCALOOSA He was newly married, more than 2,000 miles away from home and
paying $650 per month for an efficiency apartment. His monthly stipend at
UCLA was $362 per month, his transportation was public and the only
person he knew upon arrival in Los Angeles other than his wife was the
man who had just hired him to be a graduate assistant for the Bruins. 

Those were good times for Alabama head men's basketball coach Mark
"My wife (Elizabeth) and I had a great experience in California," said
Gottfried, a Mobile native and Alabama graduate, who spent seven seasons
as an assistant coach under Jim Harrick with the first coming in 1988-89.

Gottfried left UCLA to become the head coach at Murray State following
the Bruins NCAA championship season of 1994-95 and took over at Alabama
in 1998. His first time to return to Southern California as Alabama's
head coach is Saturday when Gottfried takes the No.16-ranked Crimson Tide
to the Anaheim Pond for a p.m. matchup against 20th-ranked UCLA in the
Wooden Classic. 

"It's special, first off because it's the Wooden Classic," Gottfried said
of the event honoring his mentor John Wooden. "You know I was fortunate
enough to build a good relationship with Coach Wooden when I was at UCLA.
Just to play in that event is going to be fun for me." 

Gottfried befriended Wooden soon after joining the UCLA coaching staff.
Learning the craft from a man who won 885 games overall and 10 NCAA
national championships seemed like a good idea. 

"I can remember Coach Harrick told us we were going to go eat breakfast
with Coach Wooden one morning," Gottfried said of his first meeting with
Wooden. "I sat there, watched him eat his pancakes and have syrup on his
chin like all the rest of us. I thought `That's John Wooden over there
eating pancakes.'" 

Over the next seven years Gottfried spent as much time as he could with
Wooden absorbing wisdom about everything from basketball handling
youngsters to life's lessons. 

"Every time I went to his house I wanted to tape record in my mind what
he would say," said Gottfried, who still chats with Wooden regularly. 

What developed from the visits was Gottfried adopting Wooden's
philosophies as a coach. Watch Alabama practice today and you'll see some
of the same practice plans used by Wooden. 

"He preaches John Wooden this and John Wooden that," said Alabama guard
Terrance Meade. 

Gottfried admits that he quotes Wooden so much that often when he begins
a statement, the players finish it before he can. But those same players
don't really know the full legacy of Wooden. When asked about his
knowledge of UCLA's storied past, Alabama center Erwin Dudley mentioned
Ed O'Bannon and the 1994-95 NCAA championship team. That was 20 seasons
after Wooden retired. 

"Adults couldn't understand why a young player didn't want to go to
UCLA," Gottfried said. "Kids that we recruited (at UCLA) from say age 10
when they started paying attention to basketball to age 17 didn't watch
John Wooden. It's very similar to a football player in our state who
hasn't watched Bear Bryant." 

Gottfried has asked Wooden to speak with the Crimson Tide at the team's
hotel either today or Friday. On Saturday, Gottfried will coach against
UCLA. But if Gottfried hadn't taken the Murray State job in 1995, he
might instead be the head coach at UCLA. 

Harrick was fired by UCLA athletics director Pete Dalis just 14 days
before the 1996 season began. Because the season was set to begin, Steve
Lavin, who just two years prior was the No.3 assistant behind Gottfried
and Lorenzo Romar, was chosen as the interim coach. Six seasons later
Lavin is still the head coach. 

What if? 

"I get asked that question a lot," Gottfried said. "I think in life you
gotta go with what happened. I think being at Murray State was a great
thing for me as a coach. To be at a place, quite honestly, where the
country really wasn't watching and evaluating helped prepare me for this
job tremendously. I really feel like the way things have worked out, I'm
where I'm supposed to be here at Alabama." 
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