It's called faith, HuGe. Faith. And I'm damn proud of it. At least I'm gonna
get off my keyboard and actually get to a game this year. I was at Bama's
LAST bowl game too. I've been to at least 1 Bama game every year except 2000
since I moved away from Alabama. It's called supporting your team. Even
Russell makes it to a game or 2 each year and he's in freakin' ALASKA! You
live about 200 miles closer to Ttown than I do, HuGe. Why don't you get to a
game or 2 every year? Don't give me that cripple bit, either. I've got a
cripple who works for me and he goes all over the country. hell, he's in Las
Vegas losing his ass as we type.

Buy a damn ticket to the MCB & wheel your rear up to Nashville with us and
have some fun for once. Hell, if you come we can tailgate at your parking
spot and be right next to the stadium. Wanna talk about a HWFC party? You'll
be a hero. I'm not being sarcastic, either.

-----Original Message-----
From: HuGe "Weenie Geek" Wolfcrank

This from the person that was so confident that Alabama was headed to
Nashville that he paid full price for tickets to the MCB...

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