--- Joel Perry wrote:
> 1. Does anyone really care if Sosa's bat had cork in
> it or not? Is this
> really a problem? Could the media simply be trying
> to use this 'news worthy
> event' to bring attention to the sport? Would anyone
> lose sleep if they
> canceled baseball altogether? If not for baseball,
> there could be a summer
> 'mini-season' for college football. Kinda like
> pre-season in the NFL.
    Like he's the only person to ever use a cork
bat....wasn't all of his other bats clean?....this is
ridiculous....How does cork in a bat improve his
hitting?....wouldn't cork make the bat
weaker?....Isn't that why it shattered to begin
  I agree that nobody would actually lose sleep if
baseball were to go out of business....except for
little league, HS, and BAMA baseball, it all sucks
 I don't like "preseason" NFL ball....so I wouldn't
too thrilled with it in college ball....hell just add
more games to theschedule....like a playoff maybe?

> 2. Does Allbarn really have what it takes to be in
> the Top 10? Granted they
> do have a barn-full of running backs, pretty good
> defense and coach
> that....well, good running backs and a defense
> anyway. Will they win the
> SEC? Are there any other contenders out there?
   the moo school has the stable(no pun intended) full
enough with talent to make a top ten run....even a run
as lofty as some of the preseason rags are
predicting....the question is, does their coach have
enough between his ears (again, no pun intended) to
keep them focused($1 to Bill Curry) on the task at
hand?....Will he resist the temptation to call those
stupid plays that he has the tendancy to call?....This
season it all depends on him....No more Bowden talent
their to blame for losses anymore
> 3. The Feds are cutting taxes and the State of
> Alabama is raising taxes. Who
> the hell voted against the lottery????
   Typical government bullshit, and stupid ass
uninformed voters to blame for that one....

> 4. I bet Martha Stewart has the prettiest cell on
> the block.
   Yep....and will probably be running the chow

> 5. I bet Martha Stewart hasn't been with a woman.
> Yet.
  Ol' Martha ain't bad looking for an older woman
either....but she seems to be a tough old cuss....she
may be the butch on C-block

> 6. What are we to think if South Florida pulls it
> out in Birmingham?
   Why the hell didn't BAMA hire Jim Leavitt????
Truthfully the man would've been a good fit....and
would've kept his pants on in Pensacola....and
besides, he lives and breathes football....

> 7. Before the game, do we show any highlights from
> games involving coach
> fran? Hell, do we have any highlights left to show?
   Coach who?....Jamie

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