What is up my Bama Brothers and Sisters? … It’s been a busy week around the Mac house. My oldest son got hitched this past weekend to his longtime girlfriend. It was a beautiful wedding in everyway, but all I could see was my little boy standing at the alter trying to look so strong. It was one of the most moving events in my life … right up there with the day he was born.

I see where JoBu has hit a nerve amongst a few of our members … folks give JoBu a break; he had a moment of weakness, but keep in mind, this is only an email list for crying out loud. That being said, I truly hate it for the injured woman. I’m not sure what she was hoping to prove by getting into the ring in the first place, but it wasn’t a smart thing to do, that’s for sure. I guess she was going for the money and/or the glory

Bama’s mini-camp is this weekend and the hotshot QB (David Wolke) that Slef posted about last week is scheduled to be in attendance along with 275-300 other high school juniors and seniors.

73 days till kickoff!

Roll Tide Everybody!! Keep the Faith!!!

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