Deer Lowered weun's rally do need us sum
football....ROLL TIDE
--- Joel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> SonJa spit:
> 1.  Can you Huntsville people take the "dial-a-date"
> lunch thingie, private?
> I really don't give a rat's ass if you have lunch
> with each other or not.
> You sound like a group of whiny-ass Junior League
> women.
> She's just pissed cause she ain't invited to the
> 'cool kids table'.
> "whiny-ass" and "women" in the same sentence. Sounds
> about right.
> 2.  While I agree that JoBu's comments about the
> Sarasota mom's plight was a
> little classless, I think she was extremely stupid
> to step into the ring.
> My daddy always told me that if you put yourself in
> a "man's shoes" you
> deserve whatever you get.  And what the hell is up
> with the whole MOM thing?
> Women are placed at a different level on the food
> chain just because they
> reproduced?  That's bullshit.  Yeah, I feel sorry
> for her children.  HER
> children.  That should have been a motivating factor
> for her not putting
> herself in harm's way.  What I am trying to say is
> you can be a woman and a
> mom and still make stupid decisions that places you
> in line for a Darwin
> Award.  Ms. Sarasota is one of them.
> Yeah...what she said.......except the part about me
> being classless. I was
> simply trying to point out the insanity behind such
> a decision as that. We
> should all learn a lesson. Stop the violence!!!!
> 3.  Sleffie...I assure you that you could snap JoBu
> like a twig.  I am more
> than sure he will not be reaching for anything
> around you.
> Uh, sounds like Sleffie 'up sized' one too many
> times. But he's still my
> favorite poster. Right behind HuGe. And Michael. And
> Rick. And Sonja. And
> Ron. And Vicki. And Scotty. And Phil. And Phylis.
> And Devon. And Red. And
> me.
> 4. Congrats on the wedding thingie Ricky Mc.  As
> you've said, our babies
> grow up way too fast.
> So, the family tree finally has a fork in it huh?
> Have a happy Thursday!
> Roll Tide!
> Sonja
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