One day, Clem and Bubber sat down for lunch, and Clem
pulled out this long round tube from his lunch box.

"Whut's that thar thang ya got thar, Clem?" Bubber

Clem replied,"Dis be wun ob thim thar new fangledy
thangs that theyuns call uh thurmus bottle." 

"Well whut's it do?" Bubber asked.

"Theyuns say it keeps hot thangs hot and cold thangs
cold, til you ready to et or drank 'em." answered

"Well, whut in tarnashun is theyuns gonna come up with
next?" Bubber wondered.

'Ah je's dunno." Clem answered.

"Well, whut you got in that thar thurmus bottle Clem?"
Bubber asked.

"Sum mater soup and two popcicles." answered Clem.

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