Now I apologize for not living on the internet like
you fat over weight trailer park rednecks.    I am out
of town on a sales job and sorry that it took so long
to respond to your crap  .

If you don't believe me just check the header in this
email  .   Or since i'm in Atlanta should I drive over
and see Ron Rice ?

To  Jeff Toad  .  I graduated from School 5 years ago
and got my degree .  

To Pat and LC  .  I am not sure what is up with you.
You both said that you would let it go and keep on
picking on me daily.

Pat or should I say Phyllis . Are you really that
Stupid ?  You don't know anything about Ebay or
anything else for that matter.  Business 101 class
will tell you not to sell stuff you don't have .  It's
a good way to get negative feedback and lose your
account .  Take it from someone that has  made  $500
in profit just this week alone .

Have a great day    James  


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