Another question:

Is anyone surprised that Mal Moore wanted that clown?

Slef E.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Baker, Lee" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 9:40 AM
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Got anger? The Bulls do

Is anyone else glad Jim Leavitt ISN'T our coach?


-----Original Message-----
From: Devonna Snuggs [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 9:16 AM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Got anger? The Bulls do

Mr. Jones doesn't think Alabama is "that good".  Hum, well they sure turned
it up and put an ass whipping on da bulls, didn't they???????

Got anger? The Bulls do

By GARY SHELTON, Times Sports Columnist
© St. Petersburg Times published August 31, 2003

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. - Compliment them at your own risk.
Go ahead. Tell the players of South Florida how plucky they are. Remind them
of how they had Alabama on the ropes. Let them know how young they are and
how far they've come.
Pat them on their backs. Chuck them on their shoulders. Tousle the hair on
their scrappy little heads.
Then duck.
And be careful you don't lose an arm.
The Bulls don't want to hear it, okay? Save the comments about how close
they came and how cuddly they looked. Stop the praise and change the
perception. USF doesn't want to be anyone's cute little brother. It doesn't
want to be Spartacus.
The Bulls lost, okay?
And if you want to make them happy, you can be as ticked off about it as
they were.
Did you see that game get away? Were you there when Alabama went roaring
past? Do you have any idea what happened to their poise, their fire and
their 10-point lead?
One moment USF was ahead 17-7 and in charge of the day and the next, they
were on their heels, confounded and dazed, trying to figure out their last
mistake while making their next one. The change was as quick as flicking off
a light switch.
Alabama won 40-17 and it was only the mercy of Mike Shula, old Coach Boo
Boo, that kept it from being worse.
So go on. Let it annoy you. Talk about how the team blew a chance at
victory. Talk about what it let slip away. Get mad.
USF coach Jim Leavitt certainly did. His post-game review was, well, loud.
Also long. And harsh and passionate and pointed.
"I brought the heat," he said, a little sheepishly. "I let my emotions get
the best of me."
In summation, Leavitt pointed out that, gee, it would have been nice to play
two halves instead of one and, golly, he prefers winning to losing and, by
gum, he sure would like to see a little better coaching and a little better
playing. To be accurate, Leavitt put it a little stronger.
"I'd have been disappointed in him if he hadn't been mad," quarterback
Ronnie Banks said. "We let him down. I let him down."
"I wouldn't want a coach who didn't get mad at us at a time like this,"
center Alex Herron said. "That's why I think (Leavitt) is one of the best
coaches out there. There is no such thing as being happy about coming close.
That's not our motto."
There is a tendency to treat a relatively new program as the Little Engine
that Could. After all, Alabama has a 102-year head start on USF, and it has
the 12 national championships and statues of Bear Bryant. And, despite its
recent scrimmages with the NCAA, Alabama still recruits off the top shelf.
Given all that, the snapshot of USF leading by 10 in the first half will be
enough for some fans.
Certainly, it was a surprising picture. After 28 minutes of play, the Bulls
completely outplayed Alabama. They led 17-7, and Alabama's points had come
on a tipped pass that was intercepted and returned for a touchdown. At the
time, two things seemed clear: USF had a legitimate shot to win, and for a
coach, Alabama had hired Frank Sinatra Jr.
If USF wins this, the thought was at halftime, Shula wouldn't be allowed to
live and Leavitt, a coach Alabama had flirted with, wouldn't be allowed to
leave. You could almost sense the Tide crowd re-assessing fired coach Mike
Price. Hey, what's a little smut among friends?
Then it changed. One minute, USF was the roadrunner, and the next it was the
coyote, standing in midair after running off the cliff, eyes wide in that
moment before the fall.
Alabama hit a long pass. USF didn't cover a slant. USF fumbled a kickoff. In
a 69-second flurry, the Tide was tied.
Just like that, the fire was gone from the Bulls. USF was on its heels,
absorbing instead of attacking, chasing instead of challenging. Alabama
threw where it wanted to - Hey, who told Shula about the pass? Wait until
Trent Dilfer hears about this. - and eventually, its huge offensive line
wore down the Bulls. The Tide kept the ball the last 61/2 minutes without
throwing a pass.
Let's face it. If USF wants to be treated as a big-time program, then, yes,
it deserves some criticism for that second half. It mailed it in. It didn't
"We should have won by 14 points, easily," linebacker Maurice Jones said.
"We let it get away. They aren't that good."
How good is South Florida? At this point, we don't know. As Leavitt says,
there is a lot of work to be done.
At this point, the Bulls have to become stronger mentally, more composed,
more resilient. They have to do a better job with pass coverage and with the
pass rush. They have to run the ball better. They have to be more
consistent. They have to play to their own expectations.
Most of all, they have to let someone else answer the questions about coming
Hey, Jim. What did the Bulls take from this game?
"Anger," Leavitt said.

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