I don't have a problem with anyone knowing what I say.  If Bill would like
to join the list, he is free to do so.  What I don't like is having
something presented to me like tattling  1st graders.  Feel free to forward
this to Bill as well.  I've already told Bill privately that yes, I do think
he his psychotic.  For God's sake, he's a damn au fan.  As long as you are
honest about your intentions, I'm not blaming you for anything.

BTW, Rusty you can join the barnervsbammer list & get plenty of Bill Evans.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kurt rasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Deer Sonja

> kurt rasmussen wrote:
> >> Yeah, & Sonja said leave him alone because he was psychotic & I
> >> agreed with
> >> her.  As you can see from the post I forwarded from Bill personally,
> >> he said
> >> you & Rick sent it to him.  Answer?
> >
> > Shore.  I'll answer.
> >
> > hold please.
> Rusty axed about bill @ 4:50 on Sept. 1
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RollTideFan/message/40346
> I sent bill the link very shortly there after. Then  I replied to RTF at
>  5:14, so Rusty (and anyone else interested) would know.
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RollTideFan/message/40345
> Rusty Spoon has been on Bama e-mail lists longer than 98% of us here,
> and is well respected by myslef.  The dude axed a question, and I tried
> to help.
> Then Sonja commented at 5:37
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RollTideFan/message/40348
> and you commented at  6:22
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/RollTideFan/message/40355
> I guess bill read the thread after you and Sonja had replied.
> Ya wanna blame me for answering a long time on-line Bama fan out, go
> ahead.  I'm kinda proud RTF is free and open to be read by all.  Unlike
> other lists. FWIW, I'm copying bill evans on this reply.
> kurt
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