As long as he doesn't come to BAMA, I don't give a shit about his contract.
Maybe he's got some sort of side deal going on with their loud mouth Prez.

----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 7:16 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] For Leavitt, what's the bottom line?

> This St. Petersburg Times ( story has been sent to
>  Sound familiar????
>                      Jamie
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> For Leavitt, what's the bottom line?
> © St. Petersburg Times, published 2003-09-17 09:00:00 Etc/GMT
>    Three letters in the first name, one dot. Seven in the surname, with
that tricky silent a and the double t at the end. Still, he's written it
enough to know where to put the loops and the swirls.
> <p>   Why, then, hasn't USF coach Jim Leavitt signed his new contract?</p>
> <p>   It has been nine months now, an awfully long gestation period for an
autograph. Yet, the contract remains signature-free. And every day it
remains so, it scores lower and lower on the smell test.</p>
> <p>   They were all smiles, remember? Back on Dec.12, USF president Judy
Genshaft stood beside Leavitt and director of athletics Lee Roy Selmon, and
hands were shaken and backs were patted and you could smell glee in the
morning. The new contract had taken more than a year, but all of them had
what they wanted, and who they wanted, and they all were going to live
happily ever after.</p>
> <p>   Now, three-quarters of a year later, and shucks, the seven-year,
$4.3-million contract isn't signed.</p>
> <p>   And you begin to wonder: Does this sound curious to anyone else?
Ominous, even?</p>
> <p>   Think of it like this. Another company calls you about a job. Your
company says, no, don't go. Please stay. If you do, we'll double your
> <p>   Ask yourself: How long would it take you to sign that contract?
Speaking for myself, the last time I was offered more money, I nearly ripped
the raise papers out of my boss' hands. I signed as if I were signing the
Declaration of Independence.</p>
> <p>   Leavitt, on the other hand, hasn't put pen to paper. It is as if he
has made a point not to do so and, in not doing so, is making another
> <p>   Let's sum up. USF didn't play last week. USF isn't playing this
week. Yet, Leavitt doesn't have the second and a half it takes to write his
10 letters?</p>
> <p>   When someone does that, it speaks volumes.</p>
> <p>   And what it says is something is wrong.</p>
> <p>   You wonder. Has something wiggy occurred since Dec.12? Does someone
want something more? Is someone offering something less? And will ever after
be as long as we thought?</p>
> <p>   When it comes to his contract, Leavitt isn't saying anything. He
just shrugs and says, "it'll get done." Which, of course, means it isn't
done, which it was supposed to be.</p>
> <p>   Selmon acts as if this is merely the way things work, as if all
coaches' contracts take nine months.</p>
> <p>   "It's in the legal system now," Selmon said. "That's what I
understand it to be. That's all I know. As far as I know, the major items in
the contract have been agreed upon. I'm confident it will get done pretty
> <p>   So no one is attempting to change any parts of the agreement?</p>
> <p>   "Not to my knowledge," Selmon said.</p>
> <p>   The thing is, these things don't take this long. Most coaches'
contracts are worked out over a weekend. Heck, Oklahoma's Bob Stoops signs a
new contract about every third week, doesn't he?</p>
> <p>   Hey, the hard stuff is done. The compensation is set. (Selmon points
out that Leavitt has signed a short form and is getting paid according to
the new deal). The length is firm. The incentive clauses are done. After
that, it's just a matter of the attorneys clearing the table.</p>
> <p>   What? Doesn't anyone have a pen?</p>
> <p>   Consider this: In the time since USF and Leavitt agreed to a new
contract, Alabama has hired a coach, fired him and hired another. UCLA,
Washington, Washington State, Oregon State and Baylor have hired new
coaches. And Kentucky, Utah, Louisville, Michigan State and East Carolina.
Wake Forest, Duke, Rutgers, Iowa State and UCF have agreed on extensions
with their coaches.</p>
> <p>   Ask yourself: What could be going on? Why is Leavitt riding through
the desert on a pact with no name?</p>
> <p>   Could Leavitt be making a play for a better deal? If you know
Leavitt, that doesn't feel right. If he was driven by money, he would have
gone to the NFL long ago, and he would have chased the Alabama job like a
sprinter at the finish line.</p>
> <p>   Besides, Leavitt doesn't need to make a power play. This contract
has the largest escape hatch in college football. His buyout clause is
$50,000, an absurdly low figure. Mike Price tips more that that. Rick
Neuheisel bets more. (By comparison, Tommy Tuberville has a $3-million
buyout clause at Auburn. Given Auburn's start, that's bound to come up.)</p>
> <p>   Could this be about assistant coaches, or other employees of the
athletic department? The 20-page contract addresses a pool for them, too.
Could it be about the new athletic facility? The recruiting budget?</p>
> <p>   Could USF be dragging its feet? That's possible. The economy is
tough, and college football comes with a bit of sticker shock. Still, that
was the choice USF made when it decided to play football, isn't it?</p>
> <p>  The shame of it is that, as coach and college go, USF and Leavitt are
a great fit. As coaches go, Leavitt is a little different, particularly with
the path he has chosen. USF, given its age and its ambition, is a little
different, too. This is where he belongs.</p>
> <p>   Still, there is a certain level of trust required between coach and
program. If either side isn't living up to the agreement, that's the first
step toward trouble.</p>
> <p>   Leavitt's name is in the mix now. Other schools are going to bandy
it about. Eventually, other teams are going to tempt him.</p>
> <p>   Next time, you wonder what he says.</p>
> <p>   Next time, you wonder where he signs.</p>
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