It don't make a God damn bit of difference if they
had stockpiles of WMD's or not....the fact is that
Hussein had been rattling his saber and trying to pick
a fight with the USofA for nearly two decades....he
finally got it....and LOST!!!!
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Funny thing is...maybe the much derrided U.N.
> Weapons Inspectors were, in fact, correct in stating
> that they could not find any WMD or evidence
> thereof. They also defended their inability to find
> such by bringing to light the shoddy intelligence
> that was being provided to them from.....the
> Pentagon. The Pentagon defended itslef by saying the
> most damaging evidence on the existence or location
> of the WMD was withheld for national security
> purposes. (ironic). 
> Now, even with our own President in harms way in a
> coming election year, this national security issue
> with the intelligence of the certain location of the
> WMD is still being withheld. My question
> is......WHY? Give out that intelligence to our own
> troops and inspectors since we own the hovel known
> as Iraq. Unless.........well, since we are at war
> and must blindly follow the leader, I won't say it,
> but if I did, it would probably cast doubt on the
> very existence of this so-called intelligence.
> Thank you.
> That is all
> ScR
> "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining"
> Clint Eastwood in The Outlaw Josey Wales
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joel Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Oct 1, 2003 1:01 PM
> To: 
>       'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics
> Discussion List' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] RE: Ted Turner speaks
> <Snip all that you wrote except where I quote it>
> 1. My obvious sarcasm is protected by one of them 10
> Commandments or Bill of
> Rights or something.
> 2. "...during a time of WAR." Sorry, I thought
> Georgie called off the war
> effort when he took on the role of High Flying GI
> Joe and landed on that big
> boat. I don't remember his exact words, but they
> sounded like " major
> conflict is over", which translates to "the
> never-ending occupation and
> re-building effort of Iraq is about to begin".
> 3. My mention of casualties was a reflection of the
> daily reports from that
> area. While you (and others) may feel they are
> 'lighthearted', that was not
> the intent. When the 'war'- as you call it - was in
> its infancy, everyone
> was interested and protesting and watching it on TV
> and discussing it. Each
> death of an American citizen was viewed as terrible
> and was cause for
> concern. However, that was then. Very, very few
> people today actually keep
> up with what goes on over there. Headlines are read,
> but the stories are
> skipped over to see what maneuvers the defense team
> for Kobe Bryant is
> planning. The 'war' is no longer news, it is an
> 'also today in the Middle
> East.....' type of story. My comments were (to me) a
> reflection of the 'its
> no longer news anymore' attitude that the 'war' has
> become. Only when a
> major conflict or large death toll is included does
> it ever make it to be
> the lead-in story. The deaths of these men and women
> are pathetic as they
> should never have been there in the first place.
> 4. Nothing like a 'war' to make the peasants forget
> about the sinking
> economy and the dismal future of the un-employed.
> 5. If, as you say, all these folks (see your
> comments) had compelling
> evidence of the WMD...then....where the hell are
> they? The US has not been
> able to find anything. Nothing. Zip. Zero. Nadda. If
> our intelligence is so
> good and its widely known that Saddam has these
> weapons, shouldn't we have
> known where to look? Instead of searching every hut
> and lean-to in the
> country, we should have known exactly where they
> were, how they were being
> stored, how they were being transported and who had
> the keys to the trucks.
> But nooooooo....we send most of the active Armed
> Forces to an area, complete
> with play-by-play analysis via TV anchors, and tell
> them to go find
> something that we 'think' might be in this barren
> land of 4,000 square miles
> (or whatever it is). Oh the sight of the imbedded
> reporters made for a great
> morale boost back here in the US of A. Most of
> America woke up early to see
> the status of the war...then they went out in search
> of a job. Everyone
> bought into the 'fact' that Iraq had all these
> weapons and it was just a
> matter of time before one of the nukes hit our
> homeland. Everyone except all
> those nations who never did believe all the
> propaganda being spewed for our
> 'elected officials'. I bet France and the others are
> glad their men and
> women stayed home.
> 6. I believe that the US acted on 'evidence' that
> was very shaky at best. If
> we actually thought that he had WMD and would use
> them, why would we send
> ground troops into a certain slaughter house. The US
> knew that he didn't
> have them, so the risk of sending in troops was
> minimal.
> 7. North Korea on Line 1.....they say their WMD are
> ready to use and they
> want to know when we are going to visit their
> country.
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