Thanks Krut.  

Steve - as for that link. . .God help us.  I saw that link on an MSU list a day or so 
ago.  Our consensus was the author needs to put the crack pipe down (and the school 
president should hide his young coeds).

0-12 is almost certain.  Inexplicably, MSU is favored this weekend against Vandy.  If 
MSU plays to form the Commodores should finally break their conference losing streak.  

> From: kurt rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2003/10/01 Wed PM 07:21:10 EDT

> Steven Johnson wrote:
> >What is your feeling on this?
> >
> >
> >
> Iyam feeling pain for my pla Ron Rice.  I never gave one whit or another 
> about MSU.  Until I met Ron, and some other MSU fans, on the www.  I'd 
> like to see them do well.  The sad fax of the matter is they could very 
> well go 0-12 this year.
> 0-13 if they go to a bowl.
> kurt

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