--- Rick McMahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Steven Johnson wrote:
> > They see how stupid Housels tirade was.
> > 
> >
> > 
> Here's the text to Housel's tirade in case some
> haven't had a chance to 
> listen...
> ~~~~~
> I, like you, have read everything, I've heard
> everything, and I've seen 
> everything. Now the time has come, the time has come
> to decide who we 
> are, what we are, and what we're going to do.
> You Alabama fans listening in to see what we're
> saying, how we're 
> feeling, how we're thinking, how about giving us a
> moment alone, just us 
> auburn people, so we can talk among ourselves. Would
> you do us that 
> favor? We'd appreciate it. Take a break, go to the
> bathroom, get another 
> beer, do whatever you want to do, I don't care, just
> give us auburn 
> people a moment alone.
> Well, now that we're alone what do you think? Ah, I
> know they're still 
> there, I know they're still there listening in on
> what we're saying, but 
> so be it. I'm not scared of them and you're not
> scared of them either, 
> not since coach dye came, none of us have been
> scared of them anymore, 
> none of us. If they were'nt scared of us, they
> wouldn't still be 
> listening in and thinking we didn't know they were
> there.
> Funny thing is they probably thought we were stupid
> enough to think they 
> would leave when we asked them to leave. They're the
> ones with the 
> problem, (giggle, giggle), not us. In fact I want
> them to hear what 
> we're saying and what we're talking about. I want
> them to know what 
> we're thinking, they need to know, and when they
> find out, they won't 
> sleep good tonight, tomorrow night, any night. We're
> coming after their 
> butt. We're coming after them today, we're coming
> after them tomorrow, 
> we're coming after them the day after tomorrow, and
> the day after that, 
> and the day after that.
> We will not rest, we won't sleep, we will not be
> deterred until we reach 
> our goal, and that goal is simply this, to paint
> this state, the entire 
> state, not North Alabama, not South Alabama, not
> East Alabama, not West 
> Alabama, the entire state, orange and blue. Now
> Terry Bowden and I 
> didn't always agree, and we didn't always see eye to
> eye on everything, 
> but we did agree on one thing. We might not get
> them, the Alabama mamas 
> and papas, but we were going to get the sons and the
> daughters. We were 
> going to get the children, and we are getting them.
> Birminghan was once 
> their bastion, their home ground, their turf. Look
> at the statistics, 
> statistics don't lie. Birmingham and Jefferson
> County students are 
> coming to auburn as never before.
> We're winning the battle there, and we're winning
> the battle everywhere 
> else. Take a snapshot here, take a snapshot there
> and it might not be 
> evident, but in your heart, in your heart of hearts,
> you know we're 
> winning the battle, and you know we're winning the
> war. Where are their 
> sons and daughters going to school? Think about your
> Alabama friends and 
> the number of their chidren who are coming to
> auburn. Inch by inch, 
> person by person, child by child we're winning we're
> winning the war. It 
> might not be evident in every battle, and it may or
> may not be evident 
> today, but we're winning the war.
> All we have to do is keep the faith and keep on
> fighting. Every day in 
> every way in every arena. The future is ours. All we
> have to do is fight 
> for it and take it. Keeping the faith, that's the
> key. And I don't want 
> to get anybody mad,and I don't want to offend
> anybody, but think about 
> the Vietnam War. Think about it in the context of
> the Alabama-auburn 
> rivalry. Time and time again we Americans claimed
> victory. We read about 
> it in the paper, we heard about it on television, we
> beat ourselves on 
> the chest.
> And what did it get us? In the the little(?) things
> and the hearts of 
> the people, that's where wars are won and lost, and
> we're winning this 
> war with Alabama, just as sure as you hear the sound
> of my voice, we're 
> winning it. You know it and they know it.
> That's what will keep them awake tonight, that's
> what will keep them 
> awake in the nights to come. Winston Churchill, he
> of the auburn heart 
> said it best, "Never, never, never give up. We will
> fight on the land, 
> we will fight on the sea, we will fight in the air,
> we will fight until 
> Hitler and his nazis are driven from the face of the
> earth."
> Now I'm not comparing Alabama to Hitler and the
> nazis. Not at all. There 
> are many good Alabama people, and I have many good
> Alabama friends, at 
> least a few, and I have great respect for them and
> their program for 
> what they've accomplished down through the years.
> But this is not about 
> them, this is about us. Who we are, what we are, and
> what we are going 
> to do.
> We are going to fight them today, we are going to
> fight them tomorrow. 
> We're going to fight them every day and every way.
> We won't win all the 
> battles, but we're going to win the war. You Alabama
> fans out there, 
> still listening in, eavesdropping voyeurs that you
> are, lurking there in 
> the deep dark shadows of radioland, you can bank on
> it. We're going to 
> win the war. Remember Dunkirk, the gallant British
> army was virtually 
> driven into the sea. That was but one battle. It was
> a long, long war as 
> this has been, and will continue to be, a long, long
> war.
> No, this is not about you. This is about us, the
> auburn people. And this 
> is a call to arms, today, tomorrow, the day after
> tomorrow, the day 
> after that, and the day after that. We will fight
> until victory is ours.
> And as for today, coach jordan said it best, we're
> going to Tuscaloosa 
> with but one thought in mind, and that's beat hell
> out of the University 
> of Alabama. We will fight until the victory is ours.
> We may get knocked 
> down, but we will not be knocked out. We will get up
> and fight again. We 
> may occasionally be downhearted, but we will not be
> defeated,never.
> And it is not in our nature, not in our makeup, it
> is not in our heart 
> and it is not in our soul. Remember Goliath,
> remember the Roman Empire, 
> remember Ozimandias, learn from them my Alabama
> friends, learn from them 
> and prepare to join them. (Giggle), No, Ozimanias
> was not Ozzie Nelson's 
> cousin.
> Now go listen to Eli, he's a good man, he'll tell
> you who Ozimandias 
> was. Back to you Paul, let's get it on.
> ~~~
> It's great to be a Bama fan!
> Rick

 This is what he said in 2002 also....verbatim....Jamie

"Auburn University is damn lucky to have a coach like Tommy Tuberville, and they're 
damn lucky if he would even think about coaching that program again."

Louisville AD -Tom Jurich

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