Subject: Fw: Why are we there?

This one has to be read to the very end.

Every day there are news reports about more deaths.  Every night on
the TV are photos of death and destruction.  Why are we still there?

The land is too large to secure all of it.  The bad people causing
this damage can roam anywhere, and we can't possibly police the whole
place.  Why are we still there?

We occupied this land, which we had to take by force, but it causes us
nothing but trouble.  Why are we still there?

Their government is unstable, and in the process of changing.  Why are
we still there?

Refugees are fleeing by the thousands, driven from their homes.  Why
are we still there?

It will cost billions to rebuild, which we can't afford.  Why are we
still there?

There are more than 1000 religious sects.
We can't even secure the borders.  Why are we still there?

And to repeat.  Every day we hear of more Americans killed in this
dangerous land.

It is clear!   We must abandon California.

BTW - This is my 1st weekly "TGIF Groaner - (Non) for 2004!

Cheers -VO-

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