...stolen from one of my favorite message boards.... :)


What many seem to fail to realize about this whole mess is what it is ultimately about. Its about two things money and power.

1) Bama has for over 50 years been one of the most powerful football institutional members of the NCAA, so powerful, in fact, that for many years some at the NCAA may have felt that it would be unwise for their careers to tangle with Bama. Coach Bryant helped many people over the years get started in careers with the NCAA through various means. Coach Bryant was a household name that was arguably the most powerful, both in sports and out, figure in the south over the entirety of his career at Bama. That kind of power makes many friends but also leaves many enemies. Does anyone here believe that the NCAA, UT, AU or anyone else would have tried something like this with Coach Bryant at the helm of the Bama ship? I think not. But the very nature of the golden years of Coach may have helped sow the seeds of envy and retribution that we now face.

2) Alabama as a State is still feeling the reprecussions of the Civil Rights era. Let's face it, there were some very damaging actions, legislation and comments during this time. The University of Alabama was pushed front and center into the minds of Americans and into the textbooks of our schools by Governor Wallace. So many in America have a jaded view of the University as some racist stronghold from the bad old days. When the words "slave trading" and "University of Alabama" were put together in various media outlets and on HBO we were doomed. It doesn't matter how unfair the accusation, we were doomed. The NCAA is a political entity (doubt it not) and nothing affects politics in America more than public opinion.

3)Ray Melick, Ben Cook, Kevin Scarbinsky et al have long defended the SEC office and Roy Kramer in this mess with comments like, "Why would Roy Kramer risk losing money for the conference by allowing one of its most marketable programs to be put on probation?" They show a remarkable lack of understanding of how the SEC works. The SEC has SIGNED television contracts that tie TV money to the conference for years. The SEC has Bowl tie-ins that will be filled whether Alabama is bowl eligible or not. The SEC has a championship game that would be played whether Bama was on probabtion or not. The SEC would send a member to a BCS bowl regardless of the status of the University of Alabama. The SEC stood to lose almost nothing from Bama going on probabtion. On the contrary, other member institutions stood to GAIN a significant amount of money with Bama on Probabtion because Bama would not get their share and the extra money would be split by the rest of the conference.

4) One reason why the media may be reluctant to persue the NCAA like we all think they should is: MONEY. Who owns sports illustrated? AOL/Time Warner. What cable channel shows NCAA football games that is owned by AOL/TW? TBS. What about CBS? ABC? NBC? ESPN? FOX? What would happen to their programming should the NCAA fall under a bad light? What about future negotiations with the NCAA if a network investigates the actions of the NCAA? Who owns CNN? AOL/TW. MSNBC? FOXnews? etc. etc. What about the magazines? Most are afiliated or owned by the large media conglomerates. What about Radio? Newspapers? You get the idea.

5) Gallion is trying to help his clients. If he can help Alabama along the way, so much the better. But, if he gets a great settlement that is satisfactory for his clients then he has done his job. IF the story begins to grow big long hairy legs then it WILL be settled and buried faster than Terry Bowdens black book.

Just my two cents....



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