Mission to save Shula impossible


>From time to time, I dabble in another life as a secret agent. The following happened 
>to me earlier this week. I went to the airport, retrieved a small tape and folder out 
>of a locker, found an available room near the airline's private lounges and played 
>the following audio:

Good morning, Mr. Finebaum. Your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to help 
save and rehabilitate this man's career. The person in question is Mike Shula, the 
38-year-old head football coach at the University of Alabama. Until recently, he was 
living a reasonably charmed life. That has changed.

Although he had a miserable football season -- the Alabama record was 4-9 including 
losses to Northern Illinois and Hawaii -- he had a strong recruiting class. Things 
were going along swimmingly until it was reported that he had changed the name of a 
little-known spring football award which honored commitment to excellence.

It had been named after Sylvester Croom, who played at Alabama and was runner-up to 
Shula last spring for the head coaching position. However, since Croom ultimately was 
chosen at Mississippi State, Shula decided to change the name of the award.

The rationale, according to Minister of Information Larry White, was Shula didn't feel 
it was appropriate to honor a rival coach in the same conference even though the 
Bulldogs were 2-10 in 2003, lost to the Tide 38-0, have finished last in the SEC West 
three consecutive years (combined conference record during this time is 3-21) and are 
likely to get slammed by the NCAA.

Currently, Shula is on a cruise ship (good timing) in the Caribbean -- I think the 
name of the ocean liner is called the Tide-tanic. While Shula is out to sea, the 
reaction back on the mainland toward him has been that he missed the boat. In addition 
to being a great player at Alabama, Croom also coached for Bear Bryant and Ray Perkins 
and his late father was the team chaplain for both men.

Mr. Finebaum, your mission is to undo the damage created by Shula. The general opinion 
is the move by Shula looks petty, childish, mean-spirited, cheesy, insecure, 
bone-headed and just plain stupid. And these are some of the positive things being 

What you need to do is come up with a solution and do so before his ship reaches shore 
later in the weekend. There are several options laid out here for your examination.

One option is to have Shula say it was all a misunderstanding. Perhaps, even say it 
was an April Fool's joke that went askew. OK, forget that one. Do what the politicians 
do and blame it on one of his minions or an assistant coach -- either Joe Kines or 
Dave Radar. Humiliate them publicly and after they personally apologize to coach 
Croom, fire them from your staff. Immediately restore the name back to the award. End 
of story. This is what we call "addition by subtraction."

Another option is to ignore the whole thing. After all, it's only a spring football 
award that outside of a few players, the average fan has never heard of. Remind people 
of Alabama's great football tradition -- 12

national championships, etc. Talk about the class this program exudes. It would only 
become an issue if Mississippi State were to somehow upset Alabama Nov. 6 in 
Tuscaloosa and there is absolutely no chance of that happening -- on second thought, 
scratch that plan.

Option three is to tell the former players who -- along with the news media -- are 
doing most of the whining to shut up and stick it. Threaten the media's press passes 
this year (with some great home games including Utah State, Ole Miss, Western 
Carolina, Southern Miss) and say anyone else who raises this issue will no longer get 
the free cold hot dogs and warm cold drinks in the press box.

Honestly, there really aren't any good options. They don't call this unit MI (Mission 
Impossible) because we're in charge of changing light bulbs. Make the best of it. 
Improvise if you must and only take the doomsday approach -- in other words, retain 
the services of Tommy Gallion -- if your life depends on it.

As always, should you or any member of your team be caught or killed, the secretary 
will disavow any knowledge of your actions. This tape will self-destruct in five 
seconds. Good luck. You'll need it!

(Paul Finebaum's column appears Tuesdays and Saturdays in the Mobile Register. Contact 

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