>-----Original Message-----
>Behalf Of kurt rasmussen
>Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:53 PM
>To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
>Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Teh Supreme court by Gawd!
>Tim Boozer wrote:
> > It's their damn business! They can run it
>> however they like without government intrusion.
>What about the NCAA?  Can they run their organization however they like?

Unfortunately, they can. Our current situation is living proof of that.

What it is going to boil down to for Clarrett is the question of monopoly. I
guess the NFL has already been ruled a monopoly, so the courts will probably
ultimately rule in his favor, even though in my opinion they should not
because he has other options for employment (AFL, NFL Europe) until he meets
the NFL guidelines.

Colleges don't have any other options for ongoing top level competition
other than the NCAA, and that is where I see the dividing line between the
monopoly run by the NFL and the monopoly run by the NCAA.

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