There is nothing peaceful about their religion...all they understand is
coffins. We should give them full ones IMO. I do not have any respect for
any "religion" that calls itself peaceful and then sends planes into
buildings with innocent people just trying to earn a living!!
Personally, I am sick to the hilt with all this talk about us being unfair
and the war not being a smart idea!!! Who started this!?!? I think they did
when the planes were striking the two towers with sons & daughters hearing
that Mom or Dad would never be back! Pardon me, but I feel no tears welling
up in my eyes over their solders being exterminated! 
If it were left up to me I would be pushing the big red button right about


-----Original Message-----
Tim Boozer wrote:

You fear all that huh?

Well, if I were a "peace loving" Muslim in Iraq I would fear any American
solier right now, and that's the way it ought to be. These people NEED to
fear us. The good ones need to fear us so much that they rat out the bad
ones. The sooner the better. If, this "religion" really is so damn
peasceful, then the peace loving Muslims need to be fearing the Americans
and turning in their not so peace loving comrades pronto!

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