Apart from the fact that God encourages His children (Christians) not to give up 
meeting together as some are in the habit of doing (Hebrews 10:25), there are many 
other reasons why a Christian should attend church.

First of all, the church is a great place to help us grow as a Christian.  Not only do 
we learn more and more about God the Father, God the Son (Jesus) and God the Holy 
Spirit, but as we're involved in the ministries of the church (such as Bible study), 
we come to learn more and more of what the Bible says about living a victorious 
Christian life (a life which is most pleasing to God). 

A Bible study class is also a great place to meet, and be actively involved with, 
other Christians.  For some, it's also a place where they can serve the Lord and 
others as a teacher or other worker.

Being involved in a local Christian church also gives us an avenue through which we 
can serve God and others.  Remember, God encourages His children to use the Spiritual 
gift, that all of His children receive from Him, through the Holy Spirit, serving 
others, faithfully administering His grace in its various forms (1 Peter 4:10).  There 
is a place, within the church, where everyone can get involved, if only, they will do 

(1 Corinthians 12:12-31; Romans 12:4-8).

The worship service, within the church, is a great time where all of God's children 
can come together in praise and worship of God. To miss the Sunday morning, or 
evening, worship service is like starting the week off on the wrong foot, it's like 
having a void in one's life throughout the week.

Being actively involved in a local Christian church also keeps us accountable for the 
things we do in our lives.  When we separate ourselves from the church, we begin to 
drift in our Christian life; we become more and more involved in the ways of the 
world, rather, than, the ways of God.  Yes, it is true that church attendance does not 
make one a Christian (faith in Christ Jesus as one's Lord and Savior does), however, 
one who is a Christian will not live as good a Christian life, as they would have, had 
they been actively involved in a local Christian church (a church which believes in, 
and teaches, the Bible; a church which lifts up and preaches Christ Jesus).       

Slef E.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joel Perry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List'" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 9:17 AM
Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] Non Bama - (was Age Survey)

> I tend to agree with both of y'all.
> Joe is right about finding the right church. I've tried many (same with
> spouses) and only found one that I actually enjoyed going to. But seeing as
> to how my ex- and her hubby frequent that church now, I tend to stay away
> from that one. I attend church with the current Mrs. Perry and her family.
> The average age is somewhere around 70, so I sit quietly and hope no one
> dies during church.
> But I also agree with Sonja whole-heartedly. Many people go to church in
> order to say they go to church. I'm not about that. On Sunday mornings, I
> listen to old bluegrass-gospel CDs that I made (I guess I'll burn in Hell
> for illegally downloading the songs). That type of music provides me with
> more of a 'religious' experience than I have received at any church. I find
> that listening to the music, sipping coffee and watching nature provides the
> calm that I look for.
> I feel I don't need a church in order to experience the Afterlife. Maybe
> that's wrong, maybe not. But like someone once said "If dogs don't go to
> Heaven, I want to go where they go."
>  -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, June 22, 2004 8:46 AM
> To: RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> Subject: [RollTideFan] Non Bama - (was Age Survey)
> I appreciate your position Joe, but my experience is that organized religion
> is full of hypocrisy and not something I want to indulge in.  I have better
> things to do on Sunday (Saturday, Wednesday or whenever)than to show up at a
> church, see and be seen with my "rah!, rah!...I am a christian" sign.
> I choose of my own free will to live a decent life, be a good wife and
> mother, go to work every day and pay my taxes.  If that doesn't get me to
> where I want to be in the hereafter, well...then I wasn't meant to be there
> anyway.
> The way I understand it is that we ALL have a private line to God.  I choose
> to use mine frequently and I do not need interpreters.
> Respectfully,
> Sonja
> >
> > From: "Joe Goodson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Date: 2004/06/19 Sat AM 07:49:45 EDT
> > To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
> > Subject: Re: Re: [RollTideFan] Age Survey
> >
> > Not all churches are full of Bible thumping radicals trying to shove
> > religion down everyone's throats.  I have only attended church for 2 1/2
> > years so far (on a regular basis).  A church is like a spouse.  You just
> > have to find the right one.
> >
> > Joe
> > ...there is no limit to what a man can do or where he can go if he doesn't
> > mind who gets the credit.
> > - Ronald Reagan
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
> > Sent: Friday, June 18, 2004 9:48 AM
> > Subject: Re: Re: [RollTideFan] Age Survey
> >
> >
> > > It is crazy...if it was worn as a personal spiritual symbol.
> Personally,
> > I think he was acting on behalf of his highness, the bestest christian
> that
> > ever lived, Roy Moore.
> > >
> > > Side note:  Not all of us that have a problem with organized religion
> and
> > the hypocrisy that goes along with it are evil, devil worshipping
> heathens.
> > Some of us just choose to live a decent life without being beat over the
> > head with a bible and told what to think and how to act.
> > >
> > > Sonja
> > >
> > > >
> > > > From: "Devonna Snuggs" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > > Date: 2004/06/18 Fri AM 10:08:23 EDT
> > > > To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List"
> > > > Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Age Survey
> > > >
> > > > yep, that was quite a ridiculous thing for the Hoover Chamber of
> > Commerce to
> > > > do!
> > > >
> > > > ----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >
> > > > > If I were that supervisor...or politician who approved this
> > > > termination...I would be afraid...very afraid....
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > ______________________________________________________
> > > > RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> > > >
> > > > "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
> > > >
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> visit
> >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
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> > > RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> > >
> > > "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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> >
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> >
> >
> >
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> > RollTideFan - The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> >
> > "Welcome to RollTideFan! Wear a cup!"
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