----- Original Message ----- 
To: "RollTideFan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List" <[EMAIL 
Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 2004 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] MSU penalties, or lack thereof

> > * Loss of scholarships anywhere from 6-10
> >    over 2-year period
> > 
> > * One year bowl ban (AS IF!)
> Isn't that kind of like making Wolfcrank sit in the corner?  

That's rubber-chicken funny, dude!

> > * Two year TV ban (Hey! I'm just reporting the gossip.)
> Doubtful.  Even the King of Ineptitude, CMD, didn't earn a TV ban.

Plus, I thought the NCAA gave up that practice about 10 years ago.

> > What say you, Ron, brother of Condaleeza Rice?
> Cousin, dammit.


> Isn't punishing MSU at this point kind of like beating up the retarded kid?
> What would the NCAA prove?

The same argument could have been made for BAMA.

Slef E.


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