>My favorite Zell Miller line:
>"My family is more important than my party!"
>Jim-uh-nellie! That SOB sent chills down my spine!
>I wouldn't have any problem voting for a Democrat
>if they were all like Mr. Miller. All the other
>Democrats in the country should feel like they need
>to scrub with lye soap after that ass-chewing!
>Slef E.

I don't want to get into a political discussion, I'm tired and it's bedtime,
but I couldn't agree with you more. I could vote for a democrat if they
espoused my views and more importantly, if they would put their country
before their party. Both parties find themselves in difficult hypocritical
positions sometimes but the dems seem to do it constantly. Right now, they
will do and say absolutely anything to oppose the republicans and that
includes even if that thing hurts the country. They don't seem to understand
that we are all on the same team.

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