Moving Mathis and Britt to the left side appears to be a good move.
I don't know who gets credit for that, though.

Bostick's first FG came from a very tough angle. Good job! Still
remains to be seen if he'll choke under pressure as usual. Oh, and
Brian, you still have a BAD WIG!

I saw more kickoffs for touchback's last night in one game than
I did in thirteen games last year! Who'da thunk a midget named
Jamie could kick like that? If he hadn't kicked out of bounds one
time, I'd say he earned a scholarship last night.

Nice job on the INT by Harper. Would have been sweeter if he'd
caught the other two potential INT's that hit him in the hands.

After Harper's INT I thought Rader should have told Brodie to
throw for the endzone. That's always a good idea when your 
opponent is on their heels. It ALWAYS gets done to us, and 
usually with GREAT success.

Clint Johnston! Always good to see a big white boy lumbering
down the field toward the endzone! That was a tough throw and
catch, by the way.

David Cavan - pick up Brodie and you two go get a haircut.
While you're at it, take Brodie's bracelet and throw it out the
window. I don't care if it's one of those WWJD bracelets, either.
Jesus wouldn't wear a bracelet to a football game!

Anthony Madison - YOU'RE FIRED!

We got cornholed on the US punt that should have been a

BAMA showed good clock management just before halftime.
Like no penalties in the first half...good to see BAMA doing
the little things right. HuGe improvement, IMO.

Starting the second half with 14 BAMA points in 2:21 and 
ONE offensive play was a big ole NUMBER ONE in my book!

Simeon Castille didn't play as good as it looked on TV. Don't get
me wrong, I think he'll be as good as Langham before it's over.
He's just got a lot of learning ahead of him. Bench Madison
and start Simeon Castille! Let him get the OTJ training.

Wallace Gilberry has a good nose for the ball. He's a good story,
too. If I'm not mistaken he didn't even have an offer until after
the AL/MS allstar game.

Utah State's punting strategy was brilliant. BAMA's not calling
punt block wasn't brilliant.

DAMN what a stable full of running backs BAMA has! Looks
like we'll have a fresh set of legs capable of going the distance
at all times. Big plus there!

DAMN what a receiving corp BAMA has! Can you say:
Score from anywhere on the field?

Rocky Goode would die of thirst before my trainers would
carry him a drink of water.

With the score 41-17, I thought the BAMA bench should have
been emptied. I was downright livid that Croyle was still in the
game at that point. You should be too!

Marcel Stamps - how fast is that guy?!?

Only 5 BAMA penalties for 55 yards. I'll take it EVERY WEEK!

460 yards of total BAMA offense. Again, I'll take it EVERY WEEK!

Overall, I saw a much improved BAMA on both sides of the ball
_AND_ in the kicking game! Folks, we have reason to be excited!

Roll Tide!!

Slef E.

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