I found a report from one AGG33 that made it to the game! 


 Report from the Alabama trip  For those interested, I provide my reflections of my 
first trip to Alabama.

The Trip

We arrived Thursday in Birmingham. Spent Thursday evening driving around Birmingham 
seeing the town. We ate at the 5 Points Grill on 20th Street. Kind of a college 
hang-out but with good food and a lively atmosphere. Utah v. aTm was on the tube and 
the whole place was cheering for Utah. I didn't realize how bitter they were toward 
Franchione, We had to explain to the locals why we couldn't cheer for Utah.

Spent Friday doing a few touristy things. We went by Vulcan park. This was an 
interesting park/museum in the center of Birmingham. It sits on top of a hill with a 
huge statue of the god of forging and metallurgy (the whole structure is probably 100 
feet high). You can see the statue from nearly anywhere in town. I read a lot about 
the history of Birmingham and how it came into being (rich iron ore mines and 
factories). Birmingham was a vital manufacturing center during WWII.

Later we went by the Birmingham zoo and Botanical Gardens (got caught in a torrential 
downpour). Later we went for a tour of Samford University. This was a beautiful 
campus. Many old sandstone buildings and trees and gardens all over. We were tempted 
to take a few cuts with baseball team as they were practicing. The UAB campus was 
mainly downtown and didn't have the feel of a traditional college like Samford or UA. 
Later we drove around the Mountain Brook (?) area and saw some beautiful plantation 
style homes with immaculate yards and gardens framed by southern pine and other trees. 
I couldn't believe how green and lush it is down there. Alabama is a very beautiful 
state. The highways had nary a piece of litter.

We ate Friday night at the Dreamland Barbeque (sorry Tuscaloosa folk, it was getting 
late and we were hungry). It was crowded but the food did not disappoint. Baylor was 
in town playing UAB and they had a lot of supporters in there as well. I was sucking 
babeque sauce off my fingertips the rest of the night. They also had a banana pudding 
that was outstanding.

Saturday we left for Tuscaloosa (about 45 minute drive) at about 11:00. Not a whole 
lot of traffic going down at that hour. We drove around Tuscaloosa for a bit. We 
parked at the Boy Scout parking lot (thanks for the tip). We walked around campus and 
took in the atmosphere. They know how to throw a party. We went through the temple of 
Tutankamen, I mean the shrine of Bear Bryant. We saw the Denny Chimes memorial with 
all the names and handprints of Alabama team captains from 1947 to the present. We 
walked the Quad and sorority row (no offense to the locals, but I prefer the ladies of 
Utah, California and Arizona... I guess it is what you are accustomed to). UA has a 
beautiful campus. Many old beautful buildings. The Greek houses were incredible, those 
kids live in luxury. The entire area around the stadium was a sea of red There were 
probably 3 times as many tailgaters as people who could fit into the stadium. Many TVs 
and barbeques everywhere. They were selling merchandise on every corner. About 90 
minutes before gametime the Tide came down Paul W. Bryant Avenue in buses to a huge 
ovation with a police escort and sirens blaring. People lined the streets and waved 
pom-poms and touched their forheads to the pavement.

The people were friendly and wanted to chat. We were getting hungry and got fed at one 
tent. We were offered drinks often and people wanted to talk football. We showed some 
of them USU media guide so they could see our campus. We waited outside the gate as 
the band and cheerleaders entered the stadium. It was quite a scene. I think We had 
walked about a block before the first of many dozens of playings of "Sweet Home 
Alabama" was played from a pick-up truck. Do you guys ever get tired of that song?

After the game we hung around the stadium for over an hour and still took an hour and 
a half to get back to Birmingham for the the traffic. Saturday night we were back at 
the 5-points grill to catch the end of the Notre Dame - BYU game. Live band playing in 
the background. Damn the Irish, couldn't they win to at least have something to cheer 

The Game.

It was disappointing to see UA take the opening drive for a touchdown. Much has been 
said about the USU defense but they let down that opening drive. A personal foul 
didn't help matters. They did stiffen up the rest of the half, however.

We did not pick up blitzes very well at all. The lack of a running game (again) hurts 
the offense. Robinson made a great move to juke the corner and get in for USUs first 
score. He showed a lot of promise for the future. McNeal is quick. He had some nice 
gains and Cole found creative ways to get him the ball. I still think we need a solid 
straight-up north to south runner. Forbes struggled getting any positive yardage.

I heard boos from the Alabama fans as the team went in for halftime. I thought it was 
sacriligious to boo the Tide. Maybe they were still booing the refs for the blown call 
on Leon's punt. Speaking of which, that was one great punt. I thought we were going to 
see a fake but he booted a good one.

Spirits were high in the Aggie section at halftime but they got dampened quickly. An 
interception of a ricocheted pass returned for a touchdown on USUs opening drive, 
followed by a 3 and out and a 57 yard TD pass on Bama's first offensive possession and 
the game was over. Bama's last two TDs were scored against primarily second and third 
string players. I think almost everyone played and it was a great atmosphere.

The defense forgot how to tackle in the second half. It turned out to be a typical USU 
football game. Hang around early, play tough defense for a while, give up big plays to 
keep drives going or scores, get your own drives stalled by dropped passes or 
penalties, become predictable in the play calling and lose by a margin that is not 
indicative with how close the game really was.

There were a few beligerant fans in the section next to the USU section that had to 
remind us that USU was 117th out of 117 schools and that we were a joke, etc., the 
typical stuff a-holes think they have to point out to people that traveled 1500 miles 
to watch a game and really have no control over what goes on with the team they came 
to watch. I guess you get those anywhere you go.

There were some postives to be taken, but I also saw several areas of concern. We are 
susceptible to speed (obviously), too many dropped passes, no running game (I think 
Shields should get more carries), inability to pick up blitzes, mis-communications 
between QB and WR, odd play calling, lack of ability to create turnovers.

Next week will make or break the season, in my opinion. I know it's only the second 
week of the year, but if we lose a home game to a conference rival, the season is 
over. We better win with a big statement game or the season is a waste.

On another note, UNLV looks very beatable.

My thanks to the good people of Alabama for your hospitality. I enjoyed your beautiful 
state and may even make the trip again next year. Good luck to the Crimson Tide in the 
rest of your season. I will watched with interest the Tennessee and Auburn games.

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