Jeff Todd wrote:

What's wrong with blaming CMS?

This is a tough question without an easy answer. There's several excuses as to why he shouldn't be blamed such as the fact he's still wet behind the ears as a head coach and he's still a victim of circumstances that were out of his control when he got the job. But the real rub, in my mind at least (and probably yours as well), is that an *experienced and successful* head coach would have a winning record over this 21 game period, whereby CMS has a losing one. One can blame the coaches he has on his staff, one can also blame it on *just plain bad luck* with injuries to key personnel during that 21 game period. CMS needs to make some staff changes and philosophy changes during this off season, no doubt. I seriously doubt either of those will happen.

Franholio had it going on, no doubt about it. Some have criticized his recruiting while at Bama, but under the circumstances I can't imagine anyone else doing a better job. With all the uncertainty facing the program during his tenure, about all we could hope for was not to lose any legacy recruits. I can't imagine a Keith Brown, or D.J. Hall signing with Bama if they'd come along 3-4 years earlier.

But I just think all that uncertainty provided Franholio
with a convenient excuse for leaving. I don't think he
would have stayed with us much, if any longer regardless
of the circumstances at Bama. Certainly not long enough
to return Bama to domination.

I don't disagree with this theory, but all I was saying is just imagine if he had stayed for say 15 years and was happy and content to close out his career at ALABAMA. Bama would have dominated. How many times have we gone into places like Auburn and Knoxville and blew away those two teams like we did while he was here (throw in LSU as well). That gave all of us hope that Bama truly was on it's way back to the place it used to be. Nothing over the past 21 games has given us hope that that will happen any time soon. That is extremely frustrating. Yes everyone says be patient, but Fran showed us what could be done and he did pretty quickly.


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