>A number of reasons, Rick, but mainly it's just the tone around here. You
>guys like it this way, and that's fine, but it's not for everyone. I'm sick
>of the profanity-laced insult posts and Jeff's continuous shots at me for
>posting some support for our coaches.
>Roll Tide, guys.

Just to let you know, you are not the only one around here that supports the
coaches. In most of the people's minds around here I would be called a
kool-aid drinking Shulacrat, but I don't care. The guy was dealt the worst
hand imaginable and has done a pretty damn good job with it. He's had one
recruiting class and they look impressive. I feel like we are going to be
top-10 next year and at least competing for the National Championship in

Am I happy with the last 6 years at the Capstone - HELL NO. But it ain't
Shula's fault. He got here 18 months ago. Now don't get me started on the
administration that made all of this the mess it is in the first place, but
also don't blame the guy that is cleaning it up, and in my opinion, doing a
pretty damn good job.

Shula would not have been my first choice, but we put our selves into a
position where we had to hire a career asst. Nobody else wanted the job. He
is learning fast. I wish he didn't have to go through the learning process,
but that's not Shula's fault either.

Call me a Shulacrat if you wish, but I'd rather be called a Shulacan.

I'm just tired of being a bitcher, moaner, whiner, complainer and creating a
coaching turnstile.

As far as this group goes, I love it. I don't agree with everyone, but so
what, I never have. The language doesn't bother me either, it's just

Have it your way though.

See ya'!

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