I subscribed the first year it was operational. The only advantage it had then was access to web broadcast of some baseball games and the ability to view classic videos plus a few good interviews with some of the old timers. That was about it though. You should at least get quicker updates on how the BDS expansion is going. Have they started the project yet? It was due to start around 12/6/04.

Roll Tide Anyway!

kurtrasmussen wrote:
Jack's still not there.

What a rip-off POS.


Jeff Todd wrote:

That's coz it ain't Christmas, yet!

Slef E.

----- Original Message ----- From: "kurtrasmussen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "rtf" <rtf@rolltidefan.net>
Sent: Friday, December 24, 2004 4:38 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Crimsontradition.com

I gave it as a gift.  There ain't JACK on there.


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