NONE of the public 
> schools in Alabama are worth a damn, if you ask me.
> Some 
> are worse than others, I'm sure. If the truth be
> known, 
> the schools that rank higher are those with students
> whose parents are highly involved with their
> education.

I must agree. As freedom loving Cubans have to await
the death of Castro for liberation, we must look to
the day that Paul Hubbert is worm food before we can
hope for decent schools. Unfortunatley our
representatives are too crooked and/or spineless to
stand up to him, and our populace is too apathetic
and/or stupid to vote out the squids.

Find a good private school, or if you can't afford it,
a good tutor.

I would make my plug for Blount County, but we're
already overrun with JeffCo refugees who have no idea
how to drive on a road with no center stripe.

Good luck, and be secure in the sentiment that most
anywhere you land in 'Bama, it'll be a step up from
the hell you're coming from!


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