"UA's recent lawsuit against me has me facing a formidable lineup of legal
heavy hitters. Although outnumbered, I am confident in my legal team and in
my position. All I need at this time is the funding to go the distance. Some
friends, in addition to their moral support, have asked what else they can
do to help in this cause. Some have suggested setting up a Legal Defense
Fund to accept donations. But, I feel much better by offering something in
return for their help - creating a win/win situation. Therefore, I am
presenting the following special offering of my available Original Paintings
to benefit the Daniel A. Moore First Amendment Legal Defense Fund. Please
call 205-979-2158 to inquire."

Painting                       Regular   Special
1. Third Saturday in October   $30,000   $15,000
2. Between the Lines           $30,000   $15,000
3. The Gamebreaker             $40,000   $20,000
4. Running Through the T       $40,000   $20,000
5. Gameday                      $5,000    $4,500
6. The PutAway                 $35,000   $17,500

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