>Tim Boozer wrote:
>>What would you folks think about a Richard Shelby run for the
>White House in
>>'08? Maybe an all-Alabama Shelby-Rice ticket?
>>Dumb idea?  not?
> I don't think the GOP would run Condi Rice....too many folks would see
>through the "black woman" thing as a counter to Hillary being the top
>If the GOP runs one of those ultra conservatives (Roy Moore?) they would
>have a better chance of keeping the White House....

I just don't really look at it as running whoever is going to appeal to a
certain group just to maintain, or regain, power. I think GW Bush chose
Cheney for his knowledge and leadership, not for the 3 electoral votes he
could deliver from Montana, or the dry, cool-headed, monotone constituency.

I've long been impressed by Senator Shelby and I saw him interviewed this
morning and the thought struck me from the interview that he could be
considering a run. However, in recent times, senators have not had a good
track record of getting elected President, and even though by that point
Condi will have spent 8 years in Washington, she is primarily known as an
academician, not a beltway insider. I think she could add to the ticket, but
I'm also biased by the fact that she is also from Alabama and the
"all-Alabama" ticket thing is intriguing. But my original post wasn't about
Condi, or at least it wasn't meant to be, it was meant to be about Shelby.

My opinion is that if Roy Moore ran, it would be giving the election away.
I, personally, would have a hard time voting for him from what I've seen.

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