How would a jury have reacted if it knew Albert Means 
was not a victim?

That's the question of the week in the long-running soap 
opera that began with the University of Alabama's NCAA 
case and proceeded into courtrooms across the Southeast, 
and where it continues, in various venues, to this day. 
A Memphis Commercial Appeal article has prompted the 
question. In that article in which Lynn Lang, Means' 
former high school coach, claims he provided Means with 
some $60,000 during Means' final two years of high 

The defense team for Logan Young, who was found guilty 
of giving Lang that money so that Means would sign with 
Alabama is, understandably, aghast. They argue, 
plausibly, that a jury might have seen things 
differently, or, at the very least, that Young's 
culpability (and hence any possible jail sentence) is 
greatly mitigated by the fact that Albert Means was no 

Along the way, Lang also portrayed the recruitment of 
Means as a freewheeling circus in which a lot of teams 
participated, not a corrupt transaction in which there 
was only one culprit. Lang provided the names of a lot 
of schools -- including Tennessee and Arkansas, to name 
the most hypocritical and moralistic of the alleged 
bidders -- along with dollar amounts and a few local 
color details, like the one where an Arkansas coach 
promised to leave $80,000 in a bag under a bridge.

It has even prompted a few regional columnists to 
propose that maybe Means wasn't a victim (gasp!), or 
that the NCAA prosecution of the case was, at best, 
rather selective (double gasp!). Honesty has to get the 
best of modesty here, if only to the extent of saying 
that regular readers of this column have heard all those 
points many times before.

That doesn't diminish the importance of this week's 
revelations for Young, who is fighting to stay out of 
jail. Furthermore, whenever another person steps back 
and takes a fresh look at how the NCAA functions, that's 
a victory. That's a big reason why The Tuscaloosa News 
is fighting to unseal and reveal all the documents in 
the Ronnie Cottrell/Ivy Williams lawsuit. Every piece of 
information contributes to the public's understanding of 
this incredibly complex and still-evolving case.

Quite likely, a redefinition of Means' "victim" status 
would have influenced a Memphis jury in Young's case, a 
case that never belonged in a federal courtroom in the 
first place. But that leads to another question.

How would this information have affected that "other" 
jury -- the NCAA Committee on Infractions?

There are so many subtexts to Alabama's NCAA Infractions 
hearing. There were so many agendas at work, some of 
them known at the time, others that have subsequently 
come to light, and yet others that will be exposed in 
the future. I've yet to see any summary, including the 
one that Cottrell's attorneys filed this week, that 
encompasses everything that happened.

I am convinced, though, that Albert Means as "victim" 
was one of the motivating factors -- not the only one, 
by any means, but a big one -- in the COI's ultimate 
decision. For one thing, it explains one of the more 
inexplicable elements of the whole case: the viper's-venom 
rhetoric directed by committee chairman Thomas Yeager 
towards an institution that had been co-operative beyond 
the point of self-preservation.

Perhaps we are in the tricky territory of the 
sub-conscious here. Probably, every member of the COI 
would deny that the unique history of the University of 
Alabama played a role in its decision-making.

But I do know that the NCAA prides itself on a 
politically "aware" agenda, positioning itself against 
everything from Confederate flags to Indian nicknames. I 
do know that Southern schools are penalized far more 
frequently -- and more severely -- than Eastern and 
Midwestern schools. And I sincerely believe that when 
Alabama sat in the NCAA's peculiar dock of justice, 
there were ghosts sitting there as well, ghosts that 
once stood in the schoolhouse door. They aren't literal 
specters, of course. But that image still lives, and the 
perception of rich, old boosters exploiting a young 
black man -- which is exactly how the story was 
presented to the COI -- made it resonate.

Would a jury have responded differently if it knew the 
case (such as it was) was business as usual in a lot of 
places, not just in the South, but in places like 
Michigan and Ohio as well? It's hard to detect much 
moral difference in Albert Means getting paid off and 
Chris Webber getting paid off. And when the moral 
element is stripped away, would the wrath of any jury, 
even one as agenda-ridden as the Committee on 
Infractions, be quite the same?

This was no crusade. There seem to have been no real 
victims and far more perpetrators than the NCAA was 
willing to prosecute. And as this case as proceeded 
through its long after-life, that has gotten clearer and 
clearer with every fact that has come to light.

Cecil Hurt is sports editor of The Tuscaloosa News. 
Reach him at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or at (205) 

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