On 23.02.22 11:32, Simon Rit wrote:
Hi Vincent,
Thanks. I cannot reproduce the issue on my laptop is I only modify the size of the reconstructed volume with "--dimension 2500,2500,10". With this argument, do you still have the same issue? I am suspecting that a problem occured before (e.g., memory allocation failing) and I would suggest to add some CUDA_CHECK_ERROR in the lines before, e.g., right after cudaMalloc3DArray here <https://github.com/SimonRit/RTK/blob/master/src/rtkCudaUtilities.cu#L129-L133>.

On Tue, Feb 22, 2022 at 3:28 PM Vincent Libertiaux <v...@xris.eu> wrote:

    Hi Simon,

    thanks for the quick reply ! Here is a copy of the projections
    file header:

    ObjectType = Image
    NDims = 3
    BinaryData = True
    BinaryDataByteOrderMSB = False
    CompressedData = False
    TransformMatrix = 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1
    Offset = -204.69999999999999 -204.69999999999999 0
    CenterOfRotation = 0 0 0
    AnatomicalOrientation = RAI
    ElementSpacing = 0.20000000000000001 0.20000000000000001
    DimSize = 2048 2048 101
    ElementType = MET_FLOAT
    ElementDataFile = LOCAL

    The geometry file is attached.  It is not a traditional CT
    geometry but
    a tomosynthesis one with a linear displacement of the source.

    Best regards,


Hi Simon,

thanks for having a look.  I indeed  managed to successfully reconstruct the volume by using smaller dimensions.  It is the first time that particular message showed up to indicate the issue.

Thanks again for your time,

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