I've been following this mailing list for several months now, and my
impression is that RT Linux has already matured a lot, and can handle many
hard real-time applications. But I find it hard to prove this to sceptical
colleagues: our department is currently investigating which RTOS to use, to
control robots and machine tools for our research projects. I am suggesting
to use RT Linux, but I get a lot of negative reactions to my suggestions.
So, I was wondering whether someone on this list has written an `advocacy'
text for RT Linux, in which its technical features are compared to
commercial alternatives such as QNX or VxWorks. Of course, I would like
really detailed arguments, and not just the arguments of price and

I found such a document on
and was wondering whether this text can (still) be considered as a faithful
representation of the current state-of-the-art in the `battle' between
RT Linux and commercial RTOSs. 

Hence, it would be nice if the more experienced participants to this
mailing list could post short remarks on the advantages and disadvantages
of RT Linux. I could collect them into a document for the RT Linux website,
if sufficient input is received.

Best regards,


Katholieke Universiteit Leuven                        Stanford University
Mechanical Engineering, PMA                Computer Science, Robotics Lab

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