Hi !

 no idea if this is of much interest, I put together a mini-rtlinux based on 
 the linux-router-project , the thing fits on a 1.44MB floppy , including
 an rt-kernel (2.0.36 at the moment) with the rt-modules + network modules
 for ethernet devices (you can't put more than 3 to 4 network modules on the
 disk though...) access via tftp and telnet (inetd runing). so you can
 login to the system and check setings , corect settings or insmod new stuff
 uploadet via tftp (ftp based on proftp is in work). a rudimentary editor
 and the basic shell tools (sed grep tar etc.) are also on the disk without
 additional uploads.

 maby this would be of interest for embedet systems , it runns in 4MB ramdisk
 (about 2.6MB used 1.4 free for uploads + data)
 + 4MB RAM (minimum) on a 486 (didn't try it on 386 yet, don't have no 
 pentium :(  

 if of interest I can make it available on the net.


*THERE           {__}                         Universitaet Wien          *
*IS              oo )                      Inst. f. Materialphysik       *
*LIFE           O_   `_-------.              Mc  Guire  Nicholas         *
*IN               (-.         ,-\                                        *
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*NET !             |||     | |          privat: [EMAIL PROTECTED]         *
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