> From: "Ing. Cristiano Golin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Dirk Petry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all, emerging from my memories Cato's sentence was:
> "Ceterum censeo Carthago delenda esse",
> where Carthago (3rd-declination) is the subject becouse the sentence is
> in passive form.
> WINDOOF, like Carthago, is a foreign term to original Latin and then it
> goes to the 3rd-declination too, so I believe the sentence is:
> "Ceterum censeo WINDOOF delenda esse".


sorry to say, but you are in error. :-)
See Dirk's explanation below.
This sentence is a construction called 'accussativus cum infinitivo'.
The subject is expressed in its accusative form, mostly (always?) ending with 

Pitfully I do remember too little to say which declination would be the right 
for 'WINDOOF'. :-)


> Dirk Petry wrote:
> > 
> > Peter Staudt wrote:
> > > >
> > > >   PS: Ceterum censeo WINDOOF delendam esse.
> > >
> > > I never took latin but isn't this ^^^^^^ WINDOOFem ?
> > >
> > 
> > According to what is left from my 9 years of Latin at
> > school:
> > The original quote is from the roman politician Cato
> > and reads
> > 
> >   "Ceterum censeo cartaginem esse delendam."
> > 
> > (Apart from that I think Cartago should be destroyed.)
> > 
> > With this sentence he ended each of his speeches at the
> > senate - even if the speech had nothing to do with Cartago -
> > because he thought that the empire of Cartago was the biggest
> > threat to the roman empire. Finally the Romans destroyed
> > Cartago, but I think Cato didn't live to see that.
> > 
> > WINDOOF is probably not consonant declination but
> > rather u-decination, i.e. the accusative in this
> > "accusativum cum infinitivo" should end in "um".
> > Therefore the correct version is
> > 
> >   "Ceterum censeo WINDOOFum esse delendam."
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > 
> > Dirk  ;-)

Complex problems have simple, easy to understand wrong answers.
Artur Opalinski, Senior Technical System Engineer
Sun Microsystems Poland, Green House Office Center 
Hankiewicza 2, 02-103 Warszawa, Poland, Tel:48-22 87-47-800 Fax:658-40-60

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