"Der Herr Hofr.at" wrote:
> Hi !
>  installed RTAI0.8 (2.2.12) wich boots ok ,
> tigger:/usr/src/rtai-0.8 # make all    ran without any fuss..
>  depmod -e rtai ok
>  insmod rtai ok
> tigger:/usr/src/rtai-0.8 # depmod -e  modules/rtai_fifos
> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in modules/rtai_fifos
> depmod:         rt_free_srq
> depmod:         rt_request_srq
> depmod:         rt_pend_linux_srq
> modules/rtai_fifos:
> tigger:/usr/src/rtai-0.8 # depmod -e  modules/rtai_sched
> depmod: *** Unresolved symbols in modules/rtai_sched
> depmod:         rt_times
> depmod:         rt_free_timer
> depmod:         rt_switch_to_linux
> depmod:         locked_cpus
> depmod:         rt_mount_rtai
> depmod:         rt_free_linux_irq
> depmod:         rt_free_cpu_own_irq
> depmod:         rt_request_timer
> depmod:         rt_switch_to_real_time
> depmod:         rt_umount_rtai
> depmod:         tuned
> depmod:         rt_pend_linux_irq
> depmod:         rt_request_cpu_own_irq
> depmod:         rt_request_linux_irq
> modules/rtai_sched:
> the scheduler is the 8254 ( the APIC also gives me unresolved symbols )
> simply inserting it as ldmod does "works" , that is I see it with lsmod
> but thats about it , rmmod rtai_sched -> segmentation fault  and
> leave the module as (uninitialized) . Naturaly none of the examples will
> work with thes problems.
> OS SuSE-Linux 6.2
> Kernel 2.2.12
> HW i486/75 (Genuine Intel)
> any hint ?
> thx
> nmg
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I think that the problem is due to the fact that the rtai modules are
not in one of the standard paths known to depmod.

You can either use insmod in the rtai directories and this should work
fine, for example:

insmod rtai
insmod smpscheduler/rtai_sched_8254
insmod newfifos/rtai_fifos

or alternatively if you want to use depmod you can install the rtai
modules in the misc directory, for example:

install -c -m 644 rtai /lib/modules/<your_kernel_version>/misc
install -c -m 644 smpscheduler/rtai_sched_8254
install -c -m 644 newfifos/rtai_fifos

Afterwards the depmod -e should not show any unresolved symbols, and
insmod of the rtai module name(s) should work from any directory,

Best regards,


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