Sorry for the crosspost, I don't know how many people are listening on

Attached I send a new version of the RTL-mini-HOWTO. As befor you can
visit it at
This is not an official site yet, though. Please don't bookmark it or
even provide links - it will end up in a very different URL after

I want to encourage everybody to look at the doc and provide feedback.
Esp. missing links, corrections and descriptions of the various systems
are needed.
Whatever _you_ consider important is wellcome :-)

-- Jochen
        Heinrich-Heine-Universität, Institut für Physikalische Chemie I
        Universitätsstr. 1, Geb., 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany
phone 02118113681 fax 02118115195  --
#LyX 1.1 created this file. For more info see
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\layout Title
\added_space_top vfill \added_space_bottom vfill 
Real-Time Linux mini-HOWTO
\layout Author

Jochen Küpper 
\layout Date

v0.2 - 19.
 Dezember 1999
\layout Abstract

This document is an introduction into Real-Time Linux in general.
 It is intended to help people to learn about the availability and performance
 of these systems.
 As such it is not intended to replace real documentation of Real-Time Linux
 systems, but shall provide an entry point into Real-Time Linux world.
\layout Standard

\begin_inset LatexCommand \tableofcontents{}


\layout Section

\layout Subsection

What is 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux ? 
\layout Standard

It is not an easy question to answer what a 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 system is in general.
 A description of the main principles might include 
\layout Itemize

The system is capable of performing some specific work within guaranteed
 resource constraints.
\layout Itemize

Timing constraints are usually in the sub-ms area, not minutes.
\layout Itemize

The uncertainty timing is defined and low (typically < 25 us).
 It is kept in any circumstances.
\layout Itemize

100% reliability.
\layout Standard

There are several Linux based approaches available that address the specific
 needs of 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 systems - that is what we call 
\emph on 
\emph default 
\layout Standard

This document is supposed to help you find information on all the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems available.
 For first descriptions of these systems, how to obtain them, and for pointers
 to additional information look at section 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref[Getting Started]{GettingStarted}


\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

This document was started on 16.
 December 1999 by 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Jochen Küpper]{mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]}


 right after the first 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux Workshop in Vienna.
\layout Subsection

New versions 
\layout Standard

New versions of this document can be obtained from my 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[web-page]{}


 and hopefully soon from the 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Linux Documentation project]{}


\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[]{}


 as well.
\layout Subsection

Copyrights and Trademarks 
\layout Standard

This document is Copyright (C) 1999 Jochen Küpper.
\layout Standard

It may be reproduced in whole or in part, without fee, subject to the following
\layout Itemize

The copyright notice above and this permission notice must be preserved
 complete on all complete or partial copies.
\layout Itemize

Any translation or derived work must be approved by the author in writing
 before distribution.
\layout Itemize

If you distribute this work in part, instructions for obtaining the complete
 version of this manual must be included, and a means for obtaining a complete
 version provided.
\layout Itemize

Small portions may be reproduced as illustrations for reviews or quotes
 in other works without this permission notice if proper citation is given.
\layout Standard

Exceptions to these rules may be granted for academic purposes: Write to
 the author and ask.
 These restrictions are here to protect us as authors, not to restrict you
 as learners and educators.
 All source code in this document is placed under the GNU General Public
 License, available via anonymous FTP from the 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[GNU archive site]{}


\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

I want to thank all people involved in the development of 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems, drivers and applications for providing and enhancing these
 great systems.
 Especially the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux workshop in Vienna provided a wealth of information to this document.
\layout Section

Getting Started
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{GettingStarted}


\layout Subsection

\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux Systems 
\layout Subsubsection

NMT RT-Linux
\layout Standard

This was the very first implementation on a Linux-based hard 
\emph on 
\emph default 
\layout Standard

At the time it is at version 2.0.
 It nativly offers a POSIX like API, doesn't conform completely, though.
 It supports uniprocessor and SMP x86 based machines.
 It is activly maintained by the group of Victor Yodaiken at the New Mexico
 Institut of Technology and Mining.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

This Real Time Application Interface (RTAI) is a split-off of version 1
 of NMT RT-Linux using a very powerfull native API similar to the NMT RT-Linux
 v1 API.
 A POSIX API wrapper based on the LinuxThreads package is available within
 the distribution.
 RTAI is activly maintained by the group of Paolo Mategazza at Dipartimento
 di Ingegneria Aerospaziale Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

\emph on 
\emph default 
 modifications to the standard Linux kernel from Douglas Niehaus' group
 aim at good soft 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 performance with small changes to the standard system.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

This is a resource kernel implementation based on Linux.
 It puts an 
\emph on 
portable resource kernel
\emph default 
 besides the standad Linux kernel and tries to guaranty access to certain
 specified resources to applications.
\layout Subsubsection

\layout Subsubsection

\layout Standard

A soft 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 system aiming at good multimedia-performance on heavy-loaded systems.
\layout Subsection

Obtaining RT-Linux 
\layout Standard

\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems described herein can be downloaded on the Internet.
 Look at section 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref[Further Information]{FurtherInformation}


 for the homepages of the products you are interested in.
 There you will find links to their homepages, these will give you detailed
 instructions how to obtain and install the respective system.
\layout Standard

Furthermore there are several companies offering paid professional support
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems, a list of which can be found in section 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref[Companies]{Companies}


\layout Subsection

\layout Standard

For various reasons installation instructions of the different 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems are not included here!
\layout Standard

If this document would include real installation instructions, to my mind
 these would need to be very comprehensive and enable any new user to install
\emph on 
\emph default 
 This would blow up this document to much though, and also would make it
 very hard to maintain - therefore in here a general installation scheme
 and links to individual installation instructions of all systems are given.
\layout Subsubsection

General installation scheme
\layout Standard

If you do not really understand what this section is all about, don't worry
 to much - it is intended to give you a sketch of what is needed to do,
 but in no way replaces comprehensive installation instructions available
 at the sites listed in section 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref[Comprehensive Installation Instructions]{InstallationLinks}


\layout Standard

To install any 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux system you first have to obtain the respective 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux distribution, look at the projects homepages listed in section 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \ref[Web-pages]{Webpages}


 You also need a fresh Linux kernel matching you 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux distribution.
 Usually that is the latest stable Linux kernel - currently 
\family typewriter 
\family default 
 After unpacking them you have modify the Linux kernel, most easily done
 by some means of patching it.
 Then you need to configure, build, install, and reboot the kernel as you
 would do with any plain kernel.
 Afterwards you need to compile the 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux system and insert the modules providing the functionality you wish
 to use.
\layout Standard

At this pointed you definitly should look at the examples provided with
 all distributions and get into 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux world, ...
\layout Subsubsection

Comprehensive Installation Instructions
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{InstallationLinks}


\layout Standard

Well, that stuff needs to be done soon.
 We should probably make a short lyx or sgml doc for every system and put
 all of them onto one site - at least html and ps/pdf :-)
\layout Standard

Phil's on NMT-RTL and RTAI are a very nice starting point, I guess.
\layout Section

Further information
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{FurtherInformation}


\layout Subsection

\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{Webpages}


\layout Standard

General information, documentation and links can be found at the 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Real-Time Linux Portal]{}


  Looking for supported hardware the 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Comprehensive Real-Time Linux Archive Network]{}


 might be helpfull.
\layout Standard

Moreover there are distribution specific pages available, some of which
 actually contain a lot of information for users of other 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems as well.
 (There is no meaning to the order of this list, but simply the time I happended
 to got aware of these pages.) 
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[RT-Linux at NMT]{}


\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[RTAI at DIAPM]{}


\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[KURT]{}


\layout Itemize

Linux/RK - nothing on the web yet ? 
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[RED-Linux]{http://}


\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[SMART]{http://}


 Scheduling Multimedia Applications for Linux.
\layout Standard

\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux related sites are
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[pk]{}


: A POSIX Threads Kernel.
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[EL/IX]{}


\layout Subsection

Mailing Lists 
\layout Standard

There are several mailing lists available to discuss 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux topics.
  Non system specific lists are
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Real-Time Linux mailing list]{mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]}


 for all general discussions of 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems and applications.
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Subscription information]{}


 and an 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[archive]{}


 are available.
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Real-Time Linux documentation  mailing list]{mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]}


 for discussions related to 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux documentation.
\layout Standard

System specific lists are 
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[rtlinux mailing list]{mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]}


 for discussions of NMT 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 RTAI discussions go here as well.
\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[archive]{}


 is available.
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[KURT mailing list]{mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]}


\layout Section

\layout Standard

In here pointers to selected applications of 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux applications are given.
 Overall these projects nicely show the strength and flexibility of 
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems: 
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Digital control of dynamic systems]{}


\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Biomedical Experiment interface]{}


  Christini, D.J., et al., 
\shape italic 
Annals of Biomedical Engineering
\shape default 
 27(1999), 180.
\layout Standard

( Does it make sense to create a page with links to _all_ applications of
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems ? Anybody willing to maintain that ? ) 
\layout Section

\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux product vendors 
\begin_inset LatexCommand \label{Companies}


\layout Standard

Several companies provide professional development and support resources
\emph on 
\emph default 
 Linux systems: 
\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[FSM Labs]{}


\layout Itemize

\begin_inset LatexCommand \url[Zentropix]{}


\layout Section

\layout Standard

( Probably just a pointer to a real FAQ in here, I guess.
 There is none yet, though :-) 

Reply via email to