Hi! I have spent a little more time on the realtime linux port to uClinux. Now, the Interrupt entrance-code only takes care about interrupts of the invoked interrupt level, so that there are not called pending irqs from other interrupt levels accidently. Additionaly the "rt-interrupt scheduler" (process_rt()) also only take care about the interrupts of the invoked level to minimize interrupt latencies. The patch can be fetched at wget http://www.rcs.ei.tum.de/~kuhn/uclinux/uClinux- (don't forget to apply uClinux-, first) when network is enabled (loattach), then xcopilot sometimes might halt - maybe another xcopilot bug? anyway, when disabling loattach in ../pilot/init/init.c, everything seems to be ok ... (interresstingly, the effect didn't showed up with RTEC-0.1. Maybe RTEC-0.2 isn't sane?). Get the patch here: wget http://www.rcs.ei.tum.de/~kuhn/uclinux/pilot-160899.rt-0.2.diff Bernhard --- [rtl] --- To unsubscribe: echo "unsubscribe rtl" | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] OR echo "unsubscribe rtl <Your_email>" | mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] ---- For more information on Real-Time Linux see: http://www.rtlinux.org/~rtlinux/