>  ...just be careful - you may get bombed.
>   Subject: FW: VIRUS
>   We have been informed of a new virus - WOBBLER. It will arrive
>  on email titled "How to Give a Cat a Colonic."  IBM and AOL have
>  announced that it is very powerful, more so than Melissa and
>  that there is no remedy. It will eat all your information on the
>  hard drive and also destroys Netscape Navigator and Microsoft
>  Internet Explorer. Do not open anything with this title and 
>  please pass this message on. Not many people seem to know about
>  this yet so propagate it as fast as possible. This information
>  was announced yesterday morning by IBM. Please share it with
>  everyone in your address book so that the spreading of the virus
>  may be stopped.  This is a very dangerous virus and there is no
>  remedy for it at this time.  Please practice cautionary measures
>  and forward this to all your online friends ASAP.

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