Hi Brad,

>>>>> "Brad" == Brad Dixon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Brad> On Thu, Mar 09, 2000 at 04:33:18AM -0500, John Michael Clemens wrote:
>> I've been put in charge of a project to use RT-Linux to do some hard
>> real-time image processing at 30-60 frames per second.  What I need to do
>> is run a userspace program to analyse one image, and somehow interrupt
>> that program at every 3 ms (for 30 fps) to do some accounting and book
>> keeping, and then interrupt it every 33 ms to tell it to move onto the
>> next image.  I'm at a loss for how to go about doing it.  

Brad> I've not used these patches, so let me know if they work.

Brad> http://www.gardena.net/benno/linux/audio/

They work pretty well. Here we basically  determined the most terrible
load  we   could stress our  hardware  with   and observed  the system
behavior before and after applying  the patch (linux v2.2.10). It does
work pretty well, with  our hardware too: Pentium  90, 48MB memory, no
sound nor video board, 2GB hard disk.

The worse load we could find  consists of 200 processes in SCHED_OTHER
swapping like mad. Without the patch,  our own scheduling latency test
implementation shows that any high priority  thread (be it SCHED_RR or
SCHED_FIFO)  doesn't get  scheduled at __all__.   With  the patch, the
__maximum__ scheduling latency we ever observed is 35ms.

Brad> The patches were targeted for user mode audio applications
Brad> utilizing the SCHED_FIFO scheduling class. The goal was to make
Brad> sure that the audio buffer was serviced in a timely manner with
Brad> minimum latency. The page is a little scatter brained but
Brad> probably work investigating.

The patch works for SCHED_RR as  well, and not  only for audio type of
applications ... depending  on what your requirements  are, and on the
underlying hardware capabilities obviously.

We were anticipating that with our  low-througput processor (P90) some
other loops  in the Linux kernel  would  take too long  and would have
required introduction   of  new  preemption   points but   none showed
up. Linux with  this  patch applied  reached the expected  performance

I'll gladly  provide more details ... but  through private Email since
this subject is a tad off topic for this list.

Gilles                ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
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