Hi, i am trying to port a MS-Dos program over to RTL.  This program controls
the load of a fatigue machine, which is capable of smashing expensive things
flatter than a pancake.  I think i will use shared memory for some
communications, but i would like to generate and store my load reference
trajectories in kernal mode.

The ms-dos program has "trusted" code that generates and stores the load
trajectories, and then issues a handle to the "user" portion of the program.
This allows a certain amount of freedom in the coding of the user portion,
because the trusted code will not let the user part do something stupid.
The actual controller is implemented as an interrupt service routine.
When i change load trajectories, the trusted code checks the new trajectory
for reasonableness and then disables interrupts and then changes some
pointers, then reenables interrupts.

I like this setup and would like to use it under RTL.  My thought is that i
would like to use a fifo to communicate, but not do all the setup and
verification in the controller itself.  The only thing i don't really have a
plan for is how to wake up the task that changes trajectories.  Can a real
time thread wait on a fifo?  I guess the controller could check the fifo,
but how does the controller wake up the "changer thread" so that it runs
asynchronously to the controller?

Anybody ever do something like this?
thanks, eric

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